do you remember the 1st time ya smoked?


Well-Known Member
haaha i think i was 11 or 10. i stole my dads pretty good shit when he was sleepin and smoked it on the side of his house with my friend. he had this shitty little wooden pipe which i think was clogged like a bitch, i dont even think i got high lol... i dont remember... its been alotta drugs since then. anyone like to share?


Well-Known Member
I smoked out of an actual GRAVITY bong. (holes punched in the bottom of a bottle so the water drains out) and got high as a kite. 420 of 06.


Well-Known Member
I had 2 bowl packs and i was listening to my ipod and started dancing for no reason than ate a whole thing of baked ziti


Active Member
first time i smoked i was 13 and it was outta my older brothers bread bag(if you dont know what a bread bag is, ask) we filled it up 3 times and my brother kept punching it on my so i'd get a huge hit, i was sooo fucked up i walked into the turkey hill by my house and grabbed a bag of chips and a soda and ate it right there in front of everyone,


Well-Known Member
i triped so much balls my fist time. It was like an acid trip for me now. I geeked out for like 8 hours straight, everywhere i looked was like slowmotion and framed. like i couldnt look left to right without my vision framing everything, anyone else experience that?... ahh if only i was still that godamn sensitve to the herb.


Well-Known Member
I don't really remember anything after 13 years old.
So that's probably when I started.

^^^^Typical Pothead^^^^


Well-Known Member
i triped so much balls my fist time. It was like an acid trip for me now. I geeked out for like 8 hours straight, everywhere i looked was like slowmotion and framed. like i couldnt look left to right without my vision framing everything, anyone else experience that?... ahh if only i was still that godamn sensitve to the herb.
wow nothin to that extent. i kinda felt slow moed but then again my heart was beatin so fast! it was when i first started smokin and i baked out my bros car with 3 blunts prolly 2 grams each. it was just me and him and i was ripped!


Well-Known Member
wow nothin to that extent. i kinda felt slow moed but then again my heart was beatin so fast! it was when i first started smokin and i baked out my bros car with 3 blunts prolly 2 grams each. it was just me and him and i was ripped!

Ya im super super SUPER sensitve to all drugs. It makes it really really REALLY fun.

Thats some major buddage, cant wait tell i finsish my grow, Ill be rollin eiths up, wow, cant wait..


Active Member
I smoked out of an actual GRAVITY bong. (holes punched in the bottom of a bottle so the water drains out) and got high as a kite. 420 of 06.
Where I'm around, that's called a waterfall.
First time I stole like an eigth from my brother's room mate cause he was a dealer and it was such a dank nug, smelled so skunky.


Well-Known Member
the first time i smoked some bomb, it was with my homie randy and we were 12 years old. his older brother used to sell this bomb that smelled just like pine fact i didnt even beleive that it was really pot at first. we smoked in my parents backyard, out of a mountain dew can that we flattened and popped holes was fuckin awesome.


Well-Known Member
I was in 5th grade it was way after school and I waas with my gf at the time and her uncle....Out of a wooden pipe tasted like ass..I remeber I had to go home right after cause I was allready late and all the way home I was sticking bushes/grass/flowers into my mouth anything really cause I thought my dad was going too smell it on my breath so when I got home I held my breath all the way to my room...I dont even think it got me high was too scared of getting caught to notice anyway....Man that was a long time ago.....


New Member
First time I smoked I was 12 I believe... & It was out of a ghetto ass poorly made foil pipe... I didn't really get high, but I got munchines like a motherfucker! I remember eating a bag of tortilla chips and having extreme dry mouth. [not the best of food choices for munchies]

But the second time I smoked... different story. Got blazed outta my mind. It was comparable to a trip. AHHH THE GOOD OLD DAYS.


Well-Known Member
the first time i smoked was at age 12, smoked a 5gram blunt with my 2 friends on the train tracks, when i was 12, after we smoked i threw up all over a deer carcas:spew: and then had to ride the train down the tracks to wendys