Do you think flushing is for toilets only?


Well-Known Member
I see many people commenting here that flushing is useless and some say that you need to flush. Well i claim that flushing should definitely done at some times, but is not necessary in other setups, some stuff need flushing and some dont.

In general organics dont need to be flushed, but in hydro setup you might want to flush some of that as well, since you are basically force feeding the plant with nutrients. When it comes to stuff like supersoils or organic nutrients that the plant can take from soil as needed, well flushing doesent do any good, since the plant has not been force fed.

Chemical nutes i would flush away, also some stuff like terpinator leaves a not that great chemical taste if you dont flush it out enough.

For those who say that flushing is only for toilets, try to use terpinator for the last few weeks without flushing and then talk again. And for those who think that you absolutely need to flush out organics from soil, well no..
Take a look at this and you decide

Yea and use some additives that leave a chemical taste, dont flush out THAT PARTICULAR STUFF and then speak again. Like i said it depends on what you use. Its no good in other situations, but some crap really needs to be flushed out. Im sure if they used terpinator in that study, most people would had said that completely unflushed tastes like horrible chemical shit.
I see many people commenting here that flushing is useless and some say that you need to flush. Well i claim that flushing should definitely done at some times, but is not necessary in other setups, some stuff need flushing and some dont.

In general organics dont need to be flushed, but in hydro setup you might want to flush some of that as well, since you are basically force feeding the plant with nutrients. When it comes to stuff like supersoils or organic nutrients that the plant can take from soil as needed, well flushing doesent do any good, since the plant has not been force fed.

Chemical nutes i would flush away, also some stuff like terpinator leaves a not that great chemical taste if you dont flush it out enough.

For those who say that flushing is only for toilets, try to use terpinator for the last few weeks without flushing and then talk again. And for those who think that you absolutely need to flush out organics from soil, well no..
Do what you want end of thread :bigjoint:

can we petition for dumb threads to be closed. (Not saying this thread is dumb just asking in general):wall:
To avoid crowds of RIU members from grabbing their pitch forks and torches I won't say flush or don't flush. I do think many people confuse what the flush is all about. Many feel you should flush your plants, this is not possible. When it comes to flushing it is about flushing excess or built up salt from the medium. Not so much for soil but rather for things like coco. Flushing your coco, specifically if you have messed up their feeding, is beneficial.
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1- proper runoff will leech excess salts from the medium
2- leeching once a month will leech excess salts from the medium
3- flushing will help get rid of salts at the end of the grow, but shouldn't be needed if you properly feed and leech excess salts from the medium. Instead of flushing at the end just lower the nutrients a little and give it a little more runoff. You don't want to starve the plants at the end of the grow cycle when it is putting on the most weight. You want to avoid excess salt buildup in the medium and flushing IMO is a last minute "fix" and isn't the way to do this
To avoid crowds of RIU members from grabbing their pitch forks and torches I won't say flush or don't flush. I do think many people confuse what the flush is all about. Many feel you should flush your plants, this is not possible. When it comes to flushing it is about flushing excess or built up nutes from the medium. Not so much for soil but rather for things like coco. Flushing your coco, specifically if you have messed up their feeding, is beneficial.
Im in coco and I start dropping my ec in the third week before cut. If I didn't then I'd be having 1250ppms and an unhappy plant lol. I guess some people would call that a flush idfk. The only time I give plain water is during the first week of it's life.

I love seeing everyone's "is it ready yet" post with crummy ass leaves all over the place.

Makes me feel better..
Chemical nutes i would flush away, also some stuff like terpinator leaves a not that great chemical taste if you dont flush it out enough.

Flushing your medium does nothing to remove minerals (starving your plant) from the plant material that much has been shown scientifically.

Flushing your medium to remove built up salts is an entirely different concept. As you feed salts in a medium and the medium dries salts get deposited into your medium and must be redissolved into water again to remove from your medium (flushed).
Unflushed hydro bud goes off like a firework and burns black and solid (not ash). Awful.
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Flushing your medium does nothing to remove minerals (starving your plant) from the plant material that much has been shown scientifically.

Flushing your medium to remove built up salts is an entirely different concept. As you feed salts in a medium and the medium dries salts get deposited into your medium and must be redissolved into water again to remove from your medium (flushed).

Its not only about salts, other stuff can also be flushed out. Like with the example of terpinator that leaves a horrible strong chemical taste if you keep feeding it until the end. Im sure there are tons of chemical additives that are not good for you that would flush out in a week or two if you stop feeding them before chopping. Removing salt buildups is ofc obvious essential good thing about flushing some stuff, but salts are not the only thing often used.
Why would you even use something like that?

Its a K boost that can also give some little scent that is not bad at all if you dont feed it all the way through. But im not going to buy more after the bottle runs out. A lot of people still do use it and whether or not i have reasons to use it is irrelevant to the fact that some do use it and its good to flush some of it out before chopping or the taste is horrible strong chemical crap
Its not only about salts, other stuff can also be flushed out. Like with the example of terpinator that leaves a horrible strong chemical taste if you keep feeding it until the end. Im sure there are tons of chemical additives that are not good for you that would flush out in a week or two if you stop feeding them before chopping. Removing salt buildups is ofc obvious essential good thing about flushing some stuff, but salts are not the only thing often used.

you're wrong in your interpretation of whats happening in the plant. Flushing the medium does nothing in this case. You're not "flushing" anything from the plant matter out via the roots. synthetic and organic chemicals and nutrients have whats call a "half life" and a bioavailability. which means these minerals and nutrients get "eaten" via plant cells and broken down into other smaller molecular chains or simply degrade into smaller molecules. Lets say you use a systemic pesticide via root drench during vegetative growth of a plant. if you were to send a sample of the plant matter after a week via GCMS or gas chromatography you might see 20ppm of this pesticide in the tests. wait 9 weeks later and the same test might come back ND or 0ppm since the half life of this pesticide is a week. after 9 weeks it has been completely broken down and degraded. what didnt happen was that watering the plant somehow "flushed" this chemical out from the roots.
you're wrong in your interpretation of whats happening in the plant. Flushing the medium does nothing in this case. You're not "flushing" anything from the plant matter out via the roots. synthetic and organic chemicals and nutrients have whats call a "half life" and a bioavailability. which means these minerals and nutrients get "eaten" via plant cells and broken down into other smaller molecular chains or simply degrade into smaller molecules. Lets say you use a systemic pesticide via root drench during vegetative growth of a plant. if you were to send a sample of the plant matter after a week via GCMS or gas chromatography you might see 20ppm of this pesticide in the tests. wait 9 weeks later and the same test might come back ND or 0ppm since the half life of this pesticide is a week. after 9 weeks it has been completely broken down and degraded. what didnt happen was that watering the plant somehow "flushed" this chemical out from the roots.

Ehh. Ofc i dont literally mean that you insert water only and the water enters the plant and then exists again with excess nutrients from the plant itself and disappears magically. By flushing i mean feeding water only to remove excess salts or what ever from soil or let plant use whats stored in it or not give some particular chemical so that it can decay, for example with organics keep giving the organics till the end but drop terpinator for example bit over week before harvest.

No one believes that you literally flush a plant lol
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1- proper runoff will leech excess salts from the medium
2- leeching once a month will leech excess salts from the medium
3- flushing will help get rid of salts at the end of the grow, but shouldn't be needed if you properly feed and leech excess salts from the medium. Instead of flushing at the end just lower the nutrients a little and give it a little more runoff. You don't want to starve the plants at the end of the grow cycle when it is putting on the most weight. You want to avoid excess salt buildup in the medium and flushing IMO is a last minute "fix" and isn't the way to do this
Ehh. Ofc i dont literally mean that you insert water only and the water enters the plant and then exists again with excess nutrients from the plant itself and disappears magically. By flushing i mean feeding water only to remove excess salts or what ever from soil or let plant use whats stored in it or not give some particular chemical so that it can decay, for example with organics keep giving the organics till the end but drop terpinator for example bit over week before harvest.

No one believes that you literally flush a plant lol

If you follow the advice given by @Nizza
You shouldn’t have to pour a bunch of water in your medium at the end of the grow.. imo that’d mess with the plant by fluctuating the ec way too much. Going from 800ppms to say 200 ppms just like that. Can’t do anything good..

Ween the bitch off instead..