Do yourself a favour


Active Member
Sumthin for example: 1:3:2 or 10:30;20 npk. Me, at the moment I use 11:35:15. I increase dosage as needed. I only use this begining flower to mid flower.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
bloom booster is PK aint it? For example ''I use plant magic PK bloom booster?'' :-/ It works a treat...


Active Member
Yes it is. As a matter of fact all ferts have a npk rating. Bloom boosters specialize in the pk department. Pk is vital for the flowering stage. Always be sure to read on the back contents n make sure your boosters contains a little cal and mag. Very useful. What are the npk ratings on the booster you have?


Well-Known Member
Yep, you still want nitrogen. When I switch to flower I start using half dose veg/ half flower. Each feeding I give a little less veg and a little more flower until around week 6 or so I am in full flower nutrients. Others might disagree but I hit them until they tell me to stop. I keep upping the dose until my leaves show signs of too much, then I back off just a little.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Bloom boosters, flowering enhancers are great. A good start for a bloom booster is at about 21 days into flower till the end. At least that's what I use. Then the last 3 weeks a ripener is added to the soup.