Doctor/ Chiropractor recommendations?


Active Member
I experience back and shoulder pain and am tired of illegally trying to purchase the marijuana which does seem to help my pain. I want to go the legal route but I haven't been to a personal care physician for a couple of years due to no insurance. I have been told that I could see a chiropractor and could use those doctor records for a mmj recommendation. Does anyone have any recommendations of any doctors or chiropractors in the east valley that they have used that are reasonably priced for cash paying no insurance patients? If not in the east valley I am willing to make the drive. Thanks!
Thanks everyone. I went to see Dr. Price chiropractor in Scottsdale. Cost $45 and I am now approved waiting for my card to come in the mail.
Thanks everyone. I went to see Dr. Price chiropractor in Scottsdale. Cost $45 and I am now approved waiting for my card to come in the mail.

Everyone should go to Dr. Price he's 45 bucks and he knows the deal.. Accepts walk ins and all that other good shit.
Thanks everyone. I went to see Dr. Price chiropractor in Scottsdale. Cost $45 and I am now approved waiting for my card to come in the mail.

Thanks for posting this! Did you have to make any other medical appointments? I was going to see the chiro and then make an appointment at the MMJ care clinic. Can I avoid this second visit and just apply right at the chiro? How did that work?
Price Chiropractic on Indian School? Is he still helping patients to qualify? Does his office help with filing or do I still need to go to a clinic? I was in a car accident left year that's left me in daily pain in back and neck. Can you or anyone help me with more info? You can post or message me. Thanks, I appreciate your help.
I saw Dr Price on the news, he was the guy that the channel 5 reporter went to for his bullshit story on mmj... I don't know if he changed anything after that story but I doubt it since everything he does is legal
Why the hell do you care what the doc does in his spare time! As long as his license is valid in the State and he writes out a physician certificate who the F cares about anything else! The physician does not act as your primary but simply as a second guess to your medical condition...

As of now the only problems I have seen with docs is thet are not logging into the DEA database and checking what medicines you are taking which is required by AMMA! Hardly a reason to complain! It does not hurt the patient only the doctor.. And I doubt anything happens beyond a verbal or written warning. The docs are the "Gatekeepers" I doubt they will be punished or it will discourage the cash flow the department receives!

And I highly recommend Dr.Kellum in Scottsdale! She is very very professional and so is her team and their office!