Doctors (or advice) in Oregon


Well-Known Member
I have been suffering from severe sciatica for two and a half years. Been to dozens of Phys. Therapy sessions. Chiro's, massage therapists and my Doctor. Spent well over $4,000 on treatment with no improvement. Yesterday my doc requested two MRI's, one lumbar and one pelvic. Just put me on some pain meds (finally some relief!) Does anyone know who in Oregon would be a good doc to help. I';ve spoken to MAMAS, and I am thinking about releasing my medical records to them, but I have known my current doc my whole life and might be a little embarresed or apprehensive about him knowing I'm attempting to get legal. Help please, anyone?

Oh, and thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
Just be honest with your doctor. Mine wasn't thrilled with my going the MMJ route but you gotta do what you gotta do to try and keep the pain in check. Ridiculous to go through pain the rest of your life just because of the demonization of the plant that cures your pain. And you might get lucky. The doctor might sign your authorization.


Well-Known Member
Good point. I may have to suck it up and talk to him. Are you in Oregon? How long have you held a card? What are your pain issues (if it's not too much to ask)?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm still looking. My Doc. was very reluctant to give me any form of my medical records, but I got 4 pages of Physical therapy reports with details of my pain, and the MRI on my back (negative for herniated disc, I have piriformis spasms that cause sciatica) And a copy of the perscription for my anti spasm medication. Sent this to THCF yesterday. I hope this wil be enough. Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Do not let your doctors bully you about getting your medical records. If they refuse, let them know that you will seek assistance from the state medical board to obtain them. The cannot refuse you your medical records.

weed ho

Active Member
All I did is have my medical records sent to my house then faxed them over to the OMMP and they called me within that same hour. Now I'm on my second year with my card.


Active Member
:peace:No doubt. Your records..are YOUR records. Just like when and if you get an MRI. Ask for a CD of it when your done. The images are yours...and at EPIC in Oregon they dont charge for the CD.

Its also cool to look