does anybody know how to make a gas mask bong?


Well-Known Member
You can probably get a gasmask from a local Army Surplus store. IDK how to make it though.


Well-Known Member
You can probably get a gasmask from a local Army Surplus store. IDK how to make it though.
thats exactly where i got mine.

i made the bong by getting a PVC pipe and a PVC cap and i melted a hole, at a small angle, just the right size for a bong stem to fit into the PVC pipe. then to atach the pipe to the bong, i just use a length of duct tape


Active Member
You can buy the whole setup online if you look hard enough i have run across them numerous times. good luck


Well-Known Member
Lol. Nah. There's a pic of me wearing it floating somewhere on these forums..... Those things are fuckin legit. I got so high off one I fell and cracked my head on the radiator, got a big ass 2 inch gash across my dome and kept laughing.


Well-Known Member
You should start going to headshops and ask them if maybe then can get a hold of one. I went to a headshop here in florida called "The Funky Groove" and they had this beautiful gasmask which had a hose that attached to bong at the top. All you had to do was inhale from inside the mask because it was airtight and you would be taking a hit. I didnt buy it but i should have, it was only 70 dollars. Incase you dont find any gas masks at headshops shop around online im sure you'll find one. Im not sure how i would make one.

welfare train

Active Member
My buddy just bought a gas mask bong. It's pretty nice the only problem is that your face smells like bud for an hour.