does attitude ever selll dead seeds?


Active Member
you know, like duds? what are the chances of them selling me a lowrider #1 seed that won't grow? if they do sell duds, then how many seeds should i buy?

help a newb out, will ya?:-?


Well-Known Member
Attitude, like all the other suppliers, just sell the packaged souvineers they are provided. I doubt they would do that on purpose. I've many successful orders from attitude, with only one major issue. I ordered DJ Shorts Grape Krush, which took forever to find. Not a single seed survived. 3 cracked 2 sprouted, and died right away. It was not user error either, trust me.

I called Rachael there, she said to mail it back to them, she'd send it back to the breeder, and they'll send a replacement. Will be mailing those uncracked seeds this week actually. First order of DJ Short, so far not impressed. I took one look at those seeds and knew there would be problems. Hopefully the rest of his stock isn't old crap.