Does Cannabis Ruderalis/Spontanea has any THC?

So, where i live, around me theres a pretty huge field with a numerous Cannabis, but they are not that type of cannabis what you think first when you hear the word cannabis.

"Wild Marijuana"

They dont get any care, nobody take care of them they just there, growing been years, they dont make u high at least to me it doesnt really worked at all, but maybe just i did something wrong cuz i was like 14-15 age?

Does they contains any THC %?
So they still there and im just curious if i can do anything with them?

Everyone always talk about sativa and indica, Ruderalis and Spontanea are so an shutted down topic, that i felt like i may make a post of them. And ofc because heres a lot of them and i dont know what useful i can do with them lol
No i didnt but thats how exactly looks like, it's a really large field with a lots of cannabis ruderalis or spontanea (because im not sure which one they are)


Well-Known Member
There are trace amounts of thc, but that is it. Not enough to get you buzzed. Just a headache.


Active Member
Well Ruderalis is what they cross Photos with to make Autos.
I don't know much or anything about Spontanea, so I'm going to assume that is the one that doesn't give THC much.

I smoked a lot of Autos and some are just as good as Photos. I don't know about Ruderalis alone, but find out which plants you have seen and dig one up and take it home or something and grow it, can't hurt.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in the midwest in the US. We called that stuff ditchweed and it was not worth smoking. But just because it's a wild strain of cannabis does not make it Ruderalis. My understanding is that Ruderalis was brought from central Russia...way up north, to Holland where it was bred into various strains.


Well-Known Member
A quick google search tells me canabis Spontanea is just a sub species of C. Sativa , a hemp varity

I have read some have had mixed luck creating extracts out of that type of stuff , So yes their is some THC content but not much
Yes continue pls,

Growing marijuana is illegal and your site has more than a thousand of users that growing marijuana thank to you and your site. So in some point of view you are an leader of a big illegal community. "Do want me to continue?"

Y so serious?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yes continue pls,

Growing marijuana is illegal and your site has more than a thousand of users that growing marijuana thank to you and your site. So in some point of view you are an leader of a big illegal community. "Do want me to continue?"

Y so serious?
This is my site? I'm the leader? When did this happen? :lol:

Someone mad because they got called out for wanting to be a thief? :D
Okay, was maybe a little much but, looking at your RIU "rank" and that your posts nearly hits the 17thousand, i dare to say that you play a pretty big role here ..

But srsly, Why we wanna play detective? Calm down bro, ic u have some blue blood inside u but u should not use it especially here
Dont take it too serious my friend



Well-Known Member
Okay, was maybe a little much but, looking at your RIU "rank" and that your posts nearly hits the 17thousand, i dare to say that you play a pretty big role here ..

But srsly, Why we wanna play detective? Calm down bro, ic u have some blue blood inside u but u should not use it especially here
Dont take it too serious my friend


Ur a dipshit just cuz someone has tons of posts you assume.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Okay, was maybe a little much but, looking at your RIU "rank" and that your posts nearly hits the 17thousand, i dare to say that you play a pretty big role here ..

But srsly, Why we wanna play detective? Calm down bro, ic u have some blue blood inside u but u should not use it especially here
Dont take it too serious my friend

you dare say i have a pretty big role here?

Ha! Notice how i'm not even a moderator, let alone global mod, let alone admin. You make some funny assumptions.

I just don't get where you get off thinking it would be fine to take something that is not yours. I've got some apple trees in the field, they're never cared for or harvested. Does that mean you have a right to take them? If you're gonna steal plants, why not just steal actual cannabis plants?


Well-Known Member
you dare say i have a pretty big role here?

Ha! Notice how i'm not even a moderator, let alone global mod, let alone admin. You make some funny assumptions.

I just don't get where you get off thinking it would be fine to take something that is not yours. I've got some apple trees in the field, they're never cared for or harvested. Does that mean you have a right to take them? If you're gonna steal plants, why not just steal actual cannabis plants?

shurrup tt man,,,, fucking hell not like ther gunner miss one plant u middle class ponce, lol,, now leave the lad to get a ass full of buckshot and get bak to work u lazy sod!!!

and TT mod? LOL yeh the forum would be a ghost town with all the bannings hahaha

u turnd it down i think dint ya m8?