Does CBD oil help with insomnia?

Well-Known Member
Does CBD oil help with insomnia? My mother doesn't sleep good at all... and im trying to get a good CBD product (either oil or capsules) that helps with sleep. I've personally never had CBD, so im not sure.

She DOESN'T want to get high in any way (via THC). Do you think these 2 will help insomnia? (links below). And she weighs about 120 pounds, what dose do you think she will need?

Start with 40mg and increase if needed.
And good on you for trying to help your mother!
Thank you very much for the reply! Ill probably be buying the oil tomorrow after work and give that a shot. Appreciate it!

I have been taking SunSoil CBD caps. Helps with arthritis and sleep is improved. I take as directed every 4hr. Always check for organic and well sourced product. Check their web at for info and price. Got mine half off at local vitamin store.
Does CBD oil help with insomnia? My mother doesn't sleep good at all... and im trying to get a good CBD product (either oil or capsules) that helps with sleep. I've personally never had CBD, so im not sure.

She DOESN'T want to get high in any way (via THC). Do you think these 2 will help insomnia? (links below). And she weighs about 120 pounds, what dose do you think she will need?

Thanks! will give you the info you require.
I have been taking SunSoil CBD caps. Helps with arthritis and sleep is improved. I take as directed every 4hr. Always check for organic and well sourced product. Check their web at for info and price. Got mine half off at local vitamin store.
Thanks for the reply! She also has arthritis, so that would help as well! Ill check out that website! Thanks again!
you could also get some CBD shatter , and then use that to make edibles or whatever. Alot of products out there are relatively low CBD levels, and are such a ripoff. I'm actually going as far as growing a CBD strain so I can make my own CBD edibles and stuff. I also plan on mixing it with my regular weed when smoking to get a nice mixed buzz.
Does CBD oil help with insomnia? My mother doesn't sleep good at all... and im trying to get a good CBD product (either oil or capsules) that helps with sleep. I've personally never had CBD, so im not sure.

She DOESN'T want to get high in any way (via THC). Do you think these 2 will help insomnia? (links below). And she weighs about 120 pounds, what dose do you think she will need?

Yes for sure makes me so relaxed and sleepy. Also you have to becarefull wich product to buy because only the pure extracted rick simson formula works. There called phoneix tears. The colour is verry important has to be a redish brown colour or dark brown. Not yellow! yellow means not extracted fully.
I know CBN can be even more effective for sleep, and ide guess even moreso when combined with cbd. Sometimes if i cant sleep ill make sleepy edibles by over decarbing my material, producing cbn.
CBD oil can help reduce anxiety and depression levels, helping people fall asleep and improve their sleep quality. But, the most effective dose of CBD oil for insomnia varies from person to person. A person's age, gender, weight and height are all factors to consider when deciding on the right dose of CBD oil.
I have been taking SunSoil CBD caps. Helps with arthritis and sleep is improved. I take as directed every 4hr. Always check for organic and well sourced product. Check their web at for info and price. Got mine half off at local vitamin store.

I really like Sunsoil (Previously Green Mountain CBD). I've been ordering it in since before the name-change. I like that they provide lab results for each batch, and I like their new veggie gel-caps. 20mg is can take one, or a couple depending on what you need.

In terms of effectiveness, it depends. I find that CBD calms down any inner dialog that I have going on. I used to use it on stage as well to keep focused and in the moment rather than my mind wandering and allowing me to lose focus (like thinking about what song is next, churning thoughts about arrangements, etc.) similarly I find that it doesn't necessarily help me get to sleep (aka make me drowsy) but what it does is stop me from having anxiety because I'm churning worries at bedtime or when I wake up at 3am.
I just recently tried CBD oil.
Since I've been having a really bad night's sleep lately, you could say I haven't been sleeping at all.
I decided, on the advice of friends, to try the oil in the hope that I would sleep a little better.
It has really helped me to sleep very well, but not immediately, of course, it takes some time for it to start working well.
I took a full dropper of LazarusNaturals CBD oil the other day & got high AF for about an hour. I usually only take half a dropper. Anyways it was quite the unexpected "vivid" experience lol, the kind of experience you get from an edible, although a shorter time.

Anyways, careful how much "full spectrum" oil you give to the elderly ;-)
I've gone through a few bottles of broadspectrum CBD oil, but it's weak shit, 1000mg per bottle. I didn't notice any benefits what so ever. As long as cannabis is illegal there won't be any useful CBD products available (in Europe).
I just recently tried CBD oil.
Since I've been having a really bad night's sleep lately, you could say I haven't been sleeping at all.
I decided, on the advice of friends, to try the oil in the hope that I would sleep a little better.
It has really helped me to sleep very well, but not immediately, of course, it takes some time for it to start working well.
I did decide to supplement though, after almost 4 days I really do feel a little better about falling asleep already to be honest.
I have heard from many of my friends that hemp oil colorado them a lot, especially with sleep problems and stress, but I did not think that the effect would come so quickly.
Since I really didn't want to take any kind of antidepressants, this is a great way for me to start sleeping well at night again.
I used L-Theanine and Hemp Bomb capsules. I used the regular ones that include L-Theanine, but they don't say how much. Never tried the ones for sleep with 5mg of Melatonin.
