does eating gummies make you high?

i've never eaten weed gummies before. a lot of gummies is obtained for very few grams. is this normal? does it make it high anyway

Depends on the gummies if you get high or not. Your toking tolerance doesn't really matter with edibles so if you try some go low and go slow. Greening out on edibles is a real bummer so try maybe a 10mg and wait at least 2 hours before taking any more. If you don't get a buzz from that then double up for the next try.

Eating something with fats 45 min or so before eating an edible can help get a better buzz. When you eat pot it goes into your bloodstream as Delta 9 THC but your liver uses enzymes to convert it to Delta 11. Eating fats beforehand keeps your liver busy with that so the delta 9 can get around your system which is better medicinally before conversion. Takes longer to catch a buzz but the buzz lasts a lot longer too. With CBD a dose late in the evening is still working to ease my morning pains and lasts half the next day at least.

I don't have a strong cannabis. I think I harvested a little early. i made firecracker and put 1g in it and it showed effect for 2-3 hours.

it shows no effect when I consume it with smoke. that's why I'm worried about chewing gummies and I'm looking for answers
Crikey! A little early? If you smoked it and it didnt even get you high then just how early did you harvest it? If its that bad then I'm not sure edibles are your answer. Starting again and letting it finish flowering would be a start.

And not too sure what this has to do with nutrients, but okay...
I made some tiny little 1ml gummies that are ~8mg each, and they definitely work. I like smaller amounts because titration easier. You take one, and find it doesn't do much? Next time take a couple until you get where you want. For me, I don't necessarily want to get high when I have one, sometimes I just want to get to sleep. Sometimes you want to have a bit more effect, then some nights you want to glue yourself to the furniture. Smaller amounts per unit make those choices easier to hit.
I don't have a strong cannabis. I think I harvested a little early. i made firecracker and put 1g in it and it showed effect for 2-3 hours.

it shows no effect when I consume it with smoke. that's why I'm worried about chewing gummies and I'm looking for answers
Try this sub-forum - it is more inline with your questions.
