Does it look done or near-done?


Active Member
Strain: Kerala Gold/Idukki Gold/Munnar Gold (Equatorial Landrace Sativa - South India)
Lighting: around 12/12 throughout the year.
Humidity: 75-85 throughout the year with slight increase/decrease once in a while.

Well, it has started flowering around 3-3.5 months back, which is like 12-14 weeks :|
Did not keep an accurate tab on it, so it is an approximation.

Because of my bad-growing it was runt-ed initially for two months indoor, and then outside under sun till now.
Radioshack kinda places do not exist here, so the option was to buy a real microscope, or else make one Do-It-Yourself style.
So, made one web-camera microscope, and I can see the trichomes. The attachments are screenshots from VLC player, from a trichome searching attempt video, along with a single bud picture.

Any approximate predictions as to how many more days/weeks till I can cut, dry and cure it?

Trichome Pictures:
Screen Shot 2012-11-03 at 7.52.52 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-11-03 at 7.57.37 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-11-03 at 7.57.54 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-11-03 at 7.58.55 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-11-03 at 8.01.10 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2012-11-03 at 8.01.35 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-11-03 at 8.01.51 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-11-03 at 8.02.57 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-11-03 at 8.03.23 PM.png

Bud picture:
2012-11-03 17.52.21.jpg


Active Member
Those trichomes are cloudy. Aren't they? :|

You can't see any trichomes or frost on the bud picture because it wont stay on the leaves, as the rains wash it off. I have to take a bud or leaf, and then look at it magnified to see the trichomes around calyxes.
This bud I took to sample, was quick dried by keeping it over the router, and smoked. It made me high, a similar but reduced high of what I got with the original bud I smoked.
Just that the high lasts for maybe fifteen minutes, while the original bud's high was over 4 hours :D


Active Member
When I researched about this particular sativa, I read that some flower as quick as 12 weeks, while some have been reported to flower for 6 freakin months(24 weeks)! :O


Active Member
it'll be a super uplifting high though, my prefered type. i would grow it if i could wait that long. i once had some very piney thai strain and my head was out the roof love that sativa buzz


Active Member
No issue in waiting longer as far as the climate is concerned, but my patience is dying :(

I have only smoked sativas till now as we don't have indica landraces here in the south. So, I only know about this single high, and as I've read about sativa high, that should be what I get. It's like a monkey jumping to the backpart of the forehead, and then back jump again towards the back of the head, which goes on an on. The speed of jump increases increases and then its like an immeasurable frequency. Then a pause for a tiny fraction of second, then slowly jumping starts again like as if the monkey was resting for a while :D Its just a silly way to explain as the real high can't be explained in words :|

The northie indica all becomes hash :| If I ever visit some place outside india, I would like to try indica just to see what's the difference in the high that makes people couch-locked and body-stoned.


Active Member
sounds like you live in my type of place haha, most commercial grow indica because of a denser, faster product so rarely do i come across a strain high in sativa. definitely want it though


Well-Known Member
Strain: Kerala Gold/Idukki Gold/Munnar Gold (Equatorial Landrace Sativa - South India)
Lighting: around 12/12 throughout the year.
Humidity: 75-85 throughout the year with slight increase/decrease once in a while.

Well, it has started flowering around 3-3.5 months back, which is like 12-14 weeks :|
Did not keep an accurate tab on it, so it is an approximation.

Because of my bad-growing it was runt-ed initially for two months indoor, and then outside under sun till now.
Radioshack kinda places do not exist here, so the option was to buy a real microscope, or else make one Do-It-Yourself style.
So, made one web-camera microscope, and I can see the trichomes. The attachments are screenshots from VLC player, from a trichome searching attempt video, along with a single bud picture.

Any approximate predictions as to how many more days/weeks till I can cut, dry and cure it?

Trichome Pictures:
View attachment 2396454View attachment 2396455View attachment 2396456View attachment 2396457View attachment 2396458View attachment 2396459View attachment 2396460View attachment 2396462View attachment 2396463

Bud picture:
View attachment 2396467
Looks about 50/50 cloudy and clear, but it looks like should fill in a bunch more, so I would wait personally. :)
Nice close ups, did you do with a glass in front of your lense? Or is your camera just that good?


Well-Known Member
Those trichomes are cloudy. Aren't they? :|

You can't see any trichomes or frost on the bud picture because it wont stay on the leaves, as the rains wash it off. I have to take a bud or leaf, and then look at it magnified to see the trichomes around calyxes.
This bud I took to sample, was quick dried by keeping it over the router, and smoked. It made me high, a similar but reduced high of what I got with the original bud I smoked.
Just that the high lasts for maybe fifteen minutes, while the original bud's high was over 4 hours :D
You're the first I've heard say the rain washes off the trichs.


Well-Known Member
No issue in waiting longer as far as the climate is concerned, but my patience is dying :(

I have only smoked sativas till now as we don't have indica landraces here in the south. So, I only know about this single high, and as I've read about sativa high, that should be what I get. It's like a monkey jumping to the backpart of the forehead, and then back jump again towards the back of the head, which goes on an on. The speed of jump increases increases and then its like an immeasurable frequency. Then a pause for a tiny fraction of second, then slowly jumping starts again like as if the monkey was resting for a while :D Its just a silly way to explain as the real high can't be explained in words :|

The northie indica all becomes hash :| If I ever visit some place outside india, I would like to try indica just to see what's the difference in the high that makes people couch-locked and body-stoned.
How far south? See where I am?
We get both here, but if you're deeper like 'Bama, I'm surprised if you can even find any green period.


Active Member
Looks about 50/50 cloudy and clear, but it looks like should fill in a bunch more, so I would wait personally. :)
Nice close ups, did you do with a glass in front of your lense? Or is your camera just that good?
50/50 cloudy is good :D I felt that my buds are too small. They are just at the most our finger-size! I mean the thickness, while I've seen pictures of sativas having palm sized ones.
I'm by no means expecting such big ones as mine is just a landrace, and not commercial selective bred strains. But, I did not expect the buds to be this small as well ;) So, I hope it would fill up more like you said :)

We don't have radio-shack here, so no way to buy those little ring type microscope. So, took apart a USB webcam that had manual focus compound lenses, and reversed it. Then put everything back, and now I've got a DIY microscope :D
The photos are just screenshots of my screen when I open the webcam shot video in VLC player :| So, no camera or glass in between.


Active Member
You're the first I've heard say the rain washes off the trichs.
Oh, well it was just an assumption from my side that the rains washed away the trichomes. I did not see trichomes till today on the leaves like the way we see on the 'bud porn' pictures over here :D

We currently are on the Thunderstorm season. Every single day of this month starts with bright sunny day till noon.
During the afternoon the clouds start developing, and the sky gets overcast with diffused light, and by evening thunder and lightning, with torrential rain.

It's almost four months of flowering on this plant. Microscope shows trichomes on hidden areas like in between calyxes, under those single bladed leaves, and such. So, I thought maybe rain is washing the trichomes off the more obvious areas because they are exposed to direct rain.


Active Member
How far south? See where I am?
We get both here, but if you're deeper like 'Bama, I'm surprised if you can even find any green period.
Google says 'Ga' is georgia. You are in USA but southern USA. You are on 42 degree latitude.
I am in South India! Totally different :O I'm on 9 degree Latitude ;)

Strain Hunters visited North India and them too explained that most of the North Indian indicas and sativas go for hash making.
They never visited south India where India's most potent strains grow :|


Active Member
in my opinion, id wait til the trichomes look 100 percent cloudy.
Well I would love to have 100% cloudy trichomes too.
But read that sativas, and specifically these never-ending-landrace-sativas never will have such a situation, and sometimes they don't even go amber.
So, most of the time the harvest would be mostly cloudy with clear here and there?


Well-Known Member
50/50 cloudy is good :D I felt that my buds are too small. They are just at the most our finger-size! I mean the thickness, while I've seen pictures of sativas having palm sized ones.
I'm by no means expecting such big ones as mine is just a landrace, and not commercial selective bred strains. But, I did not expect the buds to be this small as well ;) So, I hope it would fill up more like you said :)

We don't have radio-shack here, so no way to buy those little ring type microscope. So, took apart a USB webcam that had manual focus compound lenses, and reversed it. Then put everything back, and now I've got a DIY microscope :D
The photos are just screenshots of my screen when I open the webcam shot video in VLC player :| So, no camera or glass in between.
Very creative!
IDK if you were aware, or thought of it, but you can also take out the lense on the reader if you have a broken DVD player
Here's a couple links to order a glass if you're interested, but it sounds like you got it covered :)
I forgot last Monday (when I usually take pics), but I'll remember tomorrow, and put up a couple of my Sativa from bagseed outside.
It looks like another month to go, even though she started flowering July 27.
You'll see how they start to puff up, then fill in.
My cola has really gotten poofy, but it's starting to gain weight now, along with the other small buds.


Well-Known Member
Google says 'Ga' is georgia. You are in USA but southern USA. You are on 42 degree latitude.
I am in South India! Totally different :O I'm on 9 degree Latitude ;)

Strain Hunters visited North India and them too explained that most of the North Indian indicas and sativas go for hash making.
They never visited south India where India's most potent strains grow :|
Cool, then you must have better sun than I have right now.
That will help also!


Well-Known Member
Oh, well it was just an assumption from my side that the rains washed away the trichomes. I did not see trichomes till today on the leaves like the way we see on the 'bud porn' pictures over here :D

We currently are on the Thunderstorm season. Every single day of this month starts with bright sunny day till noon.
During the afternoon the clouds start developing, and the sky gets overcast with diffused light, and by evening thunder and lightning, with torrential rain.

It's almost four months of flowering on this plant. Microscope shows trichomes on hidden areas like in between calyxes, under those single bladed leaves, and such. So, I thought maybe rain is washing the trichomes off the more obvious areas because they are exposed to direct rain.
Naw, most everything I've seen mention the subject says no, the rain won't hurt, but be real careful for mold and bud rot.
If you get a break between storms, go out and shake off the excess moisture.