Does Lst during flower decrease yield


Well-Known Member
hey guys, Im currently growing Sativa Seeds Full Moon and I let it get too big. It's currently tied down but it's about 2 feet tall already if not a little more and I can't switch to flower til I get my soil on Tuesday. I fear this thing is going to grow up to the ceiling when I make the switch unless I keep it tied down thruoughout the entire grow. So I'm wondering if this will have a large effect on yield. I can upload pics if you guys want.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, Im currently growing Sativa Seeds Full Moon and I let it get too big. It's currently tied down but it's about 2 feet tall already if not a little more and I can't switch to flower til I get my soil on Tuesday. I fear this thing is going to grow up to the ceiling when I make the switch unless I keep it tied down thruoughout the entire grow. So I'm wondering if this will have a large effect on yield. I can upload pics if you guys want.
Transplanting may stress them more.


Well-Known Member
Won't the roots run out of space? Currently in a 3 gallon pot and I've been vegging for about 2 1/2 months and this strain takes forever to flower.


Well-Known Member
Rule is 1 gal per month of growing 3 mo= 3 gal 5 mo = 5 gal etc. I have grown 4+ mo in 3 gal but resulted in problems sooner than the 5 gal...


Well-Known Member
Won't the roots run out of space? Currently in a 3 gallon pot and I've been vegging for about 2 1/2 months and this strain takes forever to flower.
Possibly. When I've done soil, when theres 4-5 nodes, i go straight from a solo cup into the final container.

If you've got a good mix and are watering properly, no need for mutiple transplants.


Well-Known Member
I would totally like to see pictures. I may not be able to help much but I wanna see! Lol. I like sativas, And I'm sure others could help you that much more.

On another, more helpful note, on my grow now, I filled peat pots with seed starter, then put the whole peat pot in big-boy soil. After everything looks ok, I sow my seeds into the seed starter, and it's allready pretty much pre-transplanted into full strength soil.


Well-Known Member
Possibly. When I've done soil, when theres 4-5 nodes, i go straight from a solo cup into the final container.

If you've got a good mix and are watering properly, no need for mutiple transplants.
This works for me, but that thing will double in height, possibly even triple. I used to supplement my hps with a few LEDs. The LEDs seemed to keep them quite small, but bushy even when used pretty high above the plant. If you haven't switched to 12/12, you may wanna go ahead and top it before you tie down. Regardless, I've only seen lst with slight super cropping increase yields, never decrease.
Shaping your plant to fit under your light and into your flower room is half the fun! :)

Looks very healthy! Flower ASAP if you haven't yet and are worried about height. You can also tie down more branches if you have the space width wise. That thing will EXPLODE!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, so pretty much lst'ing during flowing wont hurt yields? I always untied at flower bc i figured the plants were using energy to try to pull itself up instead of putting it all into bud production.


Well-Known Member
I have always tied down one week prior to flower also. Especially won't hurt yields if you do it during the first two weeks of flower, because that's kind of its "super veg" time. I'm not sure on late flower, but Jorge Cervantez has a nice pic of a beautiful flowering (late) lst in his medical grow bible. All the Nugz were the same size (fat Nugz that all look like those flowers just below the main colas ). So you don't have the crazy thick stems and your yield will also increase.

I'll try to find the pic, but your colas essentially end up spacing themselves apart perfectly along the meristem. They all looked the same size; perfectly uniform.

I would really like to see how this turns out!

I have a hybrid I'm thinking about doing this to. Sativas keep stretching their entire flower! It's annoying :( lol. She's a little over six weeks, but started flower sites a whole ten days after the other two into flower, and is still slightly stretching (with calyxes) into week 6.5.

I will say the later into flower, the cell walls of all your stems will be much thicker, and more difficult to tie down without breaking them. But the plant is only redirecting the energy to a different part of the plant. Not much stress or wasted energy, hence the name "low-stress training."
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Well-Known Member
You can take off lower bud
sites/branches up to the last 2 weeks of flower.
After that it won't do much good imo.


Well-Known Member
This is what Ive learned. Do EVERYTHING you need to do during veg... LST, POSITIONING OF LIGHTS, YOUR FLUSHING STRATEGY...etc. Because what will happen is if you constantly probe during flower you are going to compromise thc productivity. Thus stress and transvesdike plant issues. This is what it leads to. The only thing you really want to during flower is water twice a wk and feed once and check on them thats it. But your ladies are very healthy. Tie them down NOW before you switch to 12/12. Good Flower Season...


Well-Known Member
The D But for future strategy start your pruning in the third week after sprout and do it once of twice every week before you switch. And give a comfortable week at least before you switch so that the two week stretch can be smooth and peaceful.


Well-Known Member
These are my current project which i do believe are a good strain of tivs... They are 22 days and under Low Stress Training. But Im monitoring their conduct because my instincts are really convinced that these are Sativas. But I started lst the second week after sprout. I remove leaves NOT for more but for light penitration..IMG_20150308_122934.jpg IMG_20150308_181108.jpg IMG_20150308_180850.jpg