Does Micro grow require a growbox?


Active Member
I have a dark corner in a closet which is approximately 10" by 10" and 24" high, but is only accessed by a much smaller hole, meaning I can not put a grow box in there, unless it is very small. However this corner has good places to hang lights and I can set up a ventilation system so would I be able to grow there without a growbox?

Many Thanks,


Active Member
Thanks for the quick replies.

Growing in a small space do you think i should grow Northern Lights, which I have heard carry very little odour and LST and top it? or a smaller plant such as Lowryder, but will growing one or two of these carry a high odour?


Active Member
And how do you wire a CFL? The only way I can work out how to do it is to use a hanger which connects the base of the CFL straight to a plug, but is it possible to mount it differently to use horizontally in a micro grow, such as in a PC case??

Many Thanks,