Does music affect plants


Okay i heard this a long ass time ago that music can effect how a plants grows? if this is the case i dont know if mine are gunna do so well i got my sub bumpin beside my grow pretty much all day :/


Well-Known Member
Yes they like music. Classical has been found the best but I play what I like. But not alot of bass. Was told it's more of the high frequency they like.


Well-Known Member
You should tell us then get two clones and put one right in front of a 12 and romp music to it... I would thing e constant sound waves moving the plant would do the same thing as having a fan on it and make the stalks thicker


Well-Known Member
they hate rap music. Play classical music , its got something to do with the high frequency like an above post mentioned. Besides classical music is pretty cool. !! I find myself listening to it on long drives


You should tell us then get two clones and put one right in front of a 12 and romp music to it... I would thing e constant sound waves moving the plant would do the same thing as having a fan on it and make the stalks thicker
i cant really do that right now only got a small cab grow going they all need to be in the 4 cfls range :p

they hate rap music. Play classical music , its got something to do with the high frequency like an above post mentioned. Besides classical music is pretty cool. !! I find myself listening to it on long drives
is it the plants that hate it or you? :p


Well-Known Member
I wonder what would cause more hermies ... rap or Bieber. cn
lady gaga......

ive had no problems with hiphop i often change the channle based on then mood. the best response is from heavy metal from what i can see. this is just an opinion.. but i dont have music playing right now normally i would but i have not and also i dont even like heavy metal all like that.


Well-Known Member
they hate rap music. Play classical music , its got something to do with the high frequency like an above post mentioned. Besides classical music is pretty cool. !! I find myself listening to it on long drives
I listen to everything. And the speakers and sub that are in my grow room are next to my clones. What I did find was they did the same as no music with rap do wouldn't say that hate it. Think it do to most rap dosnt use real instruments. This is all trial over a weeks time each time with one type of music. Then the next batch I did country. Well had to do it 2 times the new stuff is sounding like pop. So I did old stuff. 90's and erlyer. They sealed to like it. Got roots about 2 days erlyer then rap. The newer stuff only 1 day. Sence I don't like the pop country didn't do another run. Then it was 80's rock/pop. Found it was the same as the old country. Also heavy punk. Classical roots 3 days erly but I'm not a huge fan so only like it in small amounts. So basically I plug my phone into the speakers and pull up pandora. And play what I feel like. Oh I did find they didn't like when I play the football games. But I can't play them for a week solid so no real test. And I don't care. If I'm working in the room and a game is on I'm playing it. Well that was my study. But mithbusters did a test and yes classical kicked ass as well.


Well-Known Member
also flute music has a really good response i see classical but iver never seen much effect from a lot of it. i dont kno maybe im just in tune with my plants i can tell when they are really happy. which they are not currently but im working on it.

i have played around with night time music but ive found it does nothing positive or negative.


Active Member
Mythbusters tested this and concluded that plants that listened to Heavy metal yielded more and were visibly healthier than plants that listened to any other music... i think they tested it on peas but idk about cannabis....


Active Member
I was just pondering this. My bloom room is right off the music room. I play mine jazz and classic rock/country. I think it helps. I swear they seem happier with the Jazz. I read somewhere that it is not so much music as it is noise or din in general vs. silence. HF and UHF preferred. I was manicuring and moving plants around this morning to some Duke Ellington. Made for a very relaxing morning in the garden.


Well-Known Member
Mythbusters tested this and concluded that plants that listened to Heavy metal yielded more and were visibly healthier than plants that listened to any other music... i think they tested it on peas but idk about cannabis....
music?metal?? everyone knows that plants really love subsonic harmonic waves. possibly the double bass in the metal being the advantage ?