Does my plant look ok?

  • Hey folks, my OG Kush strain has been in the ground for exactly 1 month now, and it looks healthy, however is growing a little on the slower side. It took 4 days for the first set of true leaves to come in, and than another week or so for the 2nd. there was a little bit of curling and slower growth.I think this can be attributed to underwatering. Since I started watering properly the plant has recouped and I am seeing new growth. To me though it does seem like it should be further along at 4 weeks. I am using 3 23 watt cfls, an 18 hour cycle and no fertilizer at this point. I am using Lamberts all organic potting mix. Most people are telling me it looks fine, I just wanted some input if possible so I don't make any unnecessary mistakes. I have 3 photos. The plant does appear to be yellow in these photos due to lighting but it is quite green. Except on some of the tips. So in your guys opinion, on a scale of 1-10 how does my OG Kush strain look at this point? and what can I do to ensure healthy growth from here on out? Thanks in advance for any advice!​



Hmmm, very very small for 1 month old. I have a seedling of Purple Kush at about 2 weeks in the ground and it's much larger than that. Something isn't right for sure, that plant should be much more developed than that. We need more info on your setup. What's the Kelvin rating on those lights? Temps? How often are you watering? Any air flow?
The light was right on top of the plant, I have since moved it to be about 2-3 inches away. I have 3 decent size holes in the bottom


Well-Known Member
we need more info to help you out (temps, lights, humidity, medium, genetics), but i'm with putang at this point; thats maybe a 1.5/10. I'm guessing there's an issue with your medium--doesn;t look very well aerated at the very least. 3 holes is potentially adequate for drainage, but if that's 4 weeks old, then something is preventing growth substantially.
get back to us with the data we need and we'll see if we can't help out some.
be easy,
temp is like 75 all day, I have 3 23 watt cfl light bulbs a few inches from it. It's in Lamberts organic potting mix. I have a fan that oscillates on it. The cycle is 18/6.


Well-Known Member
i can only think you need better drainage and more aeration in your soil. rice hulls or pumice stone, or perlite. you say you corrected your underwatering, how long were you underwatering?
I was seriously misting it and not giving it even close to what it needed. So, their was never any drainage so my plant got off to a rough start. I was so afraid to overwater but than I found out that overwater means to water too often. Now when I water I water until 10% drainage and my plant is looking better than it was


Well-Known Member
If you constantly mist it that makes transpiration difficult and it wont uptake nutes.
As water evaporates from leaves they draw up nutrient rich water to replace it.

Edit. That is my limited understanding


Active Member
hmm seems like youre doing everything right, must be the potting mix youre using, not much you could do but repot using different soil.


Well-Known Member
make sure there are good sized drain holes and don't water anymore at all. A seedling that size shouldn't need water for a week or more, no kidding.

I transplant clones into plastic coffee cans, the clones are like 5 nodes usually.
I water them once at transplant and sometimes they go two weeks no water and are quite happy.


Well-Known Member
Im with twostroke on this one. No way something that small shouldve been getting watered regularly.

Here ya go.......20140224_225424.jpgThis only a week old, still in a large jiffy pellet & solo cup.

Pic in thumbnail is from 2/21

