Does my shit not look ghetto as shit tho


Well-Known Member
Good bongs. Used to only use those. Easy to clean. I dont judge we all have our ways of medicating long as its working thats all that matters. Im here to see people enjoy themselves and vice versa lol. Happy toking!
Good bongs. Used to only use those. Easy to clean. I dont judge we all have our ways of medicating long as its working thats all that matters. Im here to see people enjoy themselves and vice versa lol. Happy toking!
I like it because you can put ice in it and it's real smooth. Sometimes I'm more in the mood to smoke joints though. I have a pipe but rarely use it unless I'm on the go and I don't have anything rolled and it's just quicker that way

I've had this one five years, pretty durable but I did have to epoxy it one time after accidentally banging it I just don't wanna buy another bong that's all


Well-Known Member
I have a really ghetto homemade piece, too. I'd never show it on here, though! LOL! ;) It's a bong made from an old bottle and the stem and bowl are old school aluminum! LOL! Just a snap bowl. It even has a carb! I love it. But, I'd never use that for when company comes over and wants to smoke. I keep a nice piece for those occasions.


Well-Known Member
Home made pieces are the shit. Good ol days growing up parents confiscating them until they got tired of it. True stoner lol. My home made pieces would have people gasping for fresh air. Exhaling with a funny face like shuuuuuuahhhhh holy shitt.

Pill bottles always ended up as home made pieces. I cut up a metal pole and stuffed the top with a socket wrench piece thing. You can tell I know my tools. Its not for fixing things but a tool to get my juvinile self stoned out my gord.