Does my System Sound rite to anyone?


Active Member
Ok everyone,

i use a rubbermaid toat which can hold about 6 gallons of water. I have 4 wholes cut in it to fit the nets. The nets hold the hydrotons and the clone. I have 4 gallons of water in the toat. I have the hydrotons about 1 inch filled in the net with rockwool and more hydrotones around and on top of that. i have the water about half inch up to the hydrotons (1 inch of hydrotons then rockwool from water, half inch of it is water). Inside the water i have 4 bubble rocks, i do this because the roots are almost hitting the water and the bubbles cause it to kind of mist, which means the roots will grow towards the water, and when they do reach the water the bubbles will give them oxygen. I use 2 duel pumps to cause the bubbles. I use basic nutrients, and keep the ph between 5.4 and 5.8 at all times.

I have pics of one of my plants in my gallery and also the bubbles.

and whoever reads this, if you can, can you give me info or critique on what im doing and is it true that one day a week i should let the plant drink regular ph water to nutes to kind of flush it out.

and i have the lighting schedule on 18/6 should i change it to 16/8 so the roots can grow more, theres barley any roots and the plant is already 10 inches tall, and since the plant is that tall should i go 12/12 i have had it for a month and a half, when does it start to bud

plz info if you can