I know autos have their own built-in timeline. But, I'm wondering if nutrient balance has much influence on that. I used to feed something like 2-1-3 in veg and my autoflower predictably showed sex around 3-4 weeks and had obvious bud sites around 5 weeks. Lately I've been feeding 2-1-1 and they're taking much longer to show sex and bloom.
I'm wondering if that's my NPK ratio, or just genetic flukes that are coincidental to my ratio change?
I'm in the process of shifting the K ratio higher. In time I'll see how that works. Just wondered if this is something that's already well known.
I'm wondering if that's my NPK ratio, or just genetic flukes that are coincidental to my ratio change?
I'm in the process of shifting the K ratio higher. In time I'll see how that works. Just wondered if this is something that's already well known.