Does she have another 3 weeks in her?


Yo, off on holiday tomorrow for 20 days. Someone is watering my plants for me. You think she has another 3 weeks? Can obviously only harvest when I'm back on the 31st. I've asked this question a week ago but here I am again because I need peace in my heart before I drive tomorrow. IMG_20200809_191039.jpgIMG_20200809_191011.jpgCheers
Your goal is to kill these girls then light them on fire
You can enjoy your vacation knowing you can harvest when you get home
Any Trichome shots?
No unfortunately not. My kid disappeared my loupe. I ordered another one from a German website and got a mail saying it's been shipped, from the UK. Very helpful. It'll arrive after I've left tomorrow probably. My other plant has purple trichomes which I found a bit tough to gauge. I looked at her a week ago but I'd rate she's fine for a few weeks. The one in the pic I've looked at and was still good also almost a week ago but I'm having to just eyeball it until the loupe arrives. Not ideal I know. The old lady from next door will be watering them for the next three weeks. Today she asked me if it was a cactus. I will say a little prayer for my girls before I leave in the morning.
No unfortunately not. My kid disappeared my loupe. I ordered another one from a German website and got a mail saying it's been shipped, from the UK. Very helpful. It'll arrive after I've left tomorrow probably. My other plant has purple trichomes which I found a bit tough to gauge. I looked at her a week ago but I'd rate she's fine for a few weeks. The one in the pic I've looked at and was still good also almost a week ago but I'm having to just eyeball it until the loupe arrives. Not ideal I know. The old lady from next door will be watering them for the next three weeks. Today she asked me if it was a cactus. I will say a little prayer for my girls before I leave in the morning.
For today try a phone pic. Believe it or not you can get a guage from it.

Here's one from my phone. CM200807-130407004.jpg