Does soil make a difference?


I use all foxfarm products, including soil. My question is would you actually notice an inferior grown plant if you just used top soil or some cheap form of dirt but continued to use foxfarm nutes?


Well-Known Member
Of course soil makes a difference. It is the medium you grow in, it is your buffer between human error and the plant. I wish I could buy Fox Farm soil in my area. As it is, I have to get all my FF nutes and supplements via eBay. Don't skimp on your soil.


Well-Known Member
I use all foxfarm products, including soil. My question is would you actually notice an inferior grown plant if you just used top soil or some cheap form of dirt but continued to use foxfarm nutes?
More than likely because the foxfarm soils have a lot of organics such as fish meals, kelp meals, guanos, worm castings, etc.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Of course soil makes a difference. It is the medium you grow in, it is your buffer between human error and the plant. I wish I could buy Fox Farm soil in my area. As it is, I have to get all my FF nutes and supplements via eBay. Don't skimp on your soil.
correct, the soil will make all the difference. you can tell a plant thats been grown in terrible soil by its lack of participation in the grow.


Active Member
Good soil does indeed make a difference, but it's not necessary to spend tons of cash on Fox Farm soil....
I have a garden center / nursery near me, and they sell FF products (soils and ferts), but they also have their own store brand of organic potting mix that comes complete with the guanos, worm castings and mycos added, and ya can't beat the price at $8 a bag...

I definitely stay away from ANY soil that I can buy at Wal Mart... lol


Well-Known Member
Good soil does indeed make a difference, but it's not necessary to spend tons of cash on Fox Farm soil....
I have a garden center / nursery near me, and they sell FF products (soils and ferts), but they also have their own store brand of organic potting mix that comes complete with the guanos, worm castings and mycos added, and ya can't beat the price at $8 a bag...

I definitely stay away from ANY soil that I can buy at Wal Mart... lol
Contraraly I bought and use MG Organic choice soil purchased at WALMART and have had absolutely NO PROBLEMS. The soil is what you make it. If you can modify the soil on ur own and control everything that goes in than why wouldnt you? I also see no sense in buying expensive ass soil so what.......foxfarm can take most of the credit for the way your plants grow....good or bad. Ive seen alot of noobs murder plants because of FFOF soil. Wheres the mangled MG plants at? I aint seen none.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
cant beat 20 buk for 107 liters of good quality and most uses soiless mix like Pro Mix HP or BX. we are actualy growing soil. the plant tells us what the medium is lacking or has to much of.
when you buy those pre loaded mediums you have no control over the amounts of any of the items in it, you also risk the chance of disease or bugs being that a soil withg food in it cant br sterilized the same as a soiless mix
and you pay mainly for the name in fox farms. their nutrient sources are quite works...but can cause alot of grief with lock outs,.especialy if new.

your medium and room is the 2 most important items in a good grow. if you dont have that no nutrirfnt will be worth shit. it wont be processed right in a bad environment


Active Member
Contraraly I bought and use MG Organic choice soil purchased at WALMART and have had absolutely NO PROBLEMS. The soil is what you make it. If you can modify the soil on ur own and control everything that goes in than why wouldnt you? I also see no sense in buying expensive ass soil so what.......foxfarm can take most of the credit for the way your plants grow....good or bad. Ive seen alot of noobs murder plants because of FFOF soil. Wheres the mangled MG plants at? I aint seen none.
Good point on the MG Organic Choice. I have tried it on a grow a few years back. It's not so bad. Actually, my plants grown in it looked decent.

Seen lots of noobs burn their plants up in FFOF too!

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
mg is nasty stuff. they been sued so many times for lying about their organic and other claims. they are the worst co to use for what we grow. toxic sources of the ellements. employees are even getting sick form breathing their shit. scotts and peters is al same company as mg