Does the 8/8/8 flower schedule work?


Active Member
Hi everybody I was given information about using an 8/8/8 flowering schedule to shorten the flowering phase. I was wondering if this method works and if so what are the negative affects:?: help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
I think he means 8/8. Which would make it so you could flower 1.5 times per day as opposed to 1 time per day. The results won't be radically different (I don't think), but you're probably going to get smaller buds. (Just guessing on this)

Don't go 8/8/8 it will stress your girls out meaning less yield les thc an maybe even a longer flowering period. There's a lot of missinformation about budz out there if your can't confirm the info in 3 or more places its pry not true... I do 11.5 on and 12.5 off the longer dark time can up resein and tricome production 25% in some strains with other strains though the small chang has no effeect.


Well-Known Member
Most strains won't flower with only 8 hours of darkness. The hormones that are only produced during darkness need to reach a certain level before flowering will begin. Different strains have different critical night lengths, but 12 hours is quoted as the standard "catch all" advice for triggering flowering.

If you know the strain and run some experiments, you will be able to determine it's minimum night length. It's usualy not worth the hassle though, unless you are in it for the science rather than the weed.


Well-Known Member
LOL who the hell r u suppose to be?? im talking from experience there buddy. I experimented with all the different light schedules for flowering. So i suggest before your ignorant ass opens you mouth again you try to learn a little more about me. Not try to go ahead and sum up one person from one post. Whos the close-minded one here??


Well-Known Member
OP should watch some videos before attempting to grow. Listen to what the videos say and not random ppl thats gonna tell you about some botarded 8/8/8 schedule.. Seriously do some research instead of asking random questions. You'll a lot more in a faster amount of time..


Well-Known Member
not close minded just a simple observation as there is only one way to flower and thats with 12/12.
Stop being a democrat and hold people to some kind of standard.
You love to criticize me, yet you claim to be the jesus of cannabis....I was stating that saying "Only 12/12 why would it be anything else?" is a close-minded statement. 11/13 works, 10/14 works. There are plenty of ways to flower as nature is more fluid than it is solid one way answers. Stop telling me what to do and what to say when I post.

BTW....If you want to try 8/8/8 it might work....I think if your just trying to save electricity try 8/14...if your just trying to flower the plants faster, it MAY work but I doubt it...we have an internal clock and I bet to hell plants do too.