Does the smell of smoke carry to outside my house?

Hi everyone,
If I smoke inside with the windows closed, will people be able to smell it outside my house? I haven't smoked in three years but am looking to light up again. When I used to smoke it was in a college town in California, so it never occurred to me to care about the smell. Now I'm in the midwest and feel like I'm in enemy territory where people will call the cops. I don't want to stink up the neighborhood. I tried searching on this subject but all I found was teenagers trying to hide it from their parents. It's not like that with me. I live alone and don't care if my whole house stinks inside. Can I just smoke inside and not worry, or should I get hardcore and set up a fan sucking through a carbon filter inside the room? I don't want to fuck with a doob tube or change the way I smoke. It would be blunts and bongs. Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt think so man. but then again i wouldnt notice coz im smoking it lol.
but to be honest, i think your pranging out abit over the smell of a spliff getting outside.

if your worried that much get one of those automatic air freshner things. but i seriouslt dought you have anything to worry about, unless you have pigs living next door haha.

peace man
Yes, the problem is that while I'm smoking I can't smell anything. No pigs that I know about, but plenty of families with kids. I just don't want to give the cops an excuse to come inside if someone calls them. So first off, I think smoking with the windows open would be stupid. But maybe it would be smart to only smoke in the bedroom where the intake will suck it into the closet and through the carbon filter. Or maybe it doesn't matter and I can smoke in every room of my house without worry.


Active Member
...that's an affirmative... It's smoke, it will seep through anything porus, and squeeze through any crack... you can use some weather strips to seal the interior, but it's going to smell... advice - go to higher ground, and maybe even the attic or rooftop if you are worried about neighbors... if going up isn't an option, then try masking it behind lavenders, honeysuckle, jasmines, etc or have some heavy fragrant candles burning...


Well-Known Member
dude its your house man. do what the fuck you want. just dont make it obvious.
i very much dought anything bad will happen man.
and also, i dont know what its like in U.S but in the U.K the police cant come in your house with out a good reason and a warrent. over here it takes a while to get a warrent for good enough reasons, so its very very unlikely.

plenty of people have been smoking in their homes for years in illegal countrys/states. and i dont think they worry about smell getting outside the house from smoking a spliff or 2.
i know i dont.



Well-Known Member
do people really worry this much in the U.S about smoking weed in their own home???

also, if smoke manages to get outside it will only rise and be gone.


My friend smokes it inside his apartment and when I approach his door and about 10 feet away I can smell it. But if you live in a house not attached to someone and not in an inside hallway I think the wind would blow it away before it got to your neighbors
The main cause of my worry is that I moved from California (where it's been decriminalized and it was already pretty chill) to a state in the midwest which is very harsh about it. In California I can't imagine anyone calling the cops on me. But here it's different. Here I don't know. I just want to spend a week worrying about it and thinking about how to reduce my exposure. Then I'll smoke everyday and never think about it again. But if there is something easy I can do that makes the difference between it smelling outside or not, I'd like to find out about that.


Active Member
do people really worry this much in the U.S about smoking weed in their own home???

also, if smoke manages to get outside it will only rise and be gone.

It depends on the state you reside in... We (in the US) walk on thin lines when it comes to probable cause... and we have some really bad cops that make stuff up just to gain entry to your premises... very deceitful if you ask me...


Well-Known Member
dude youl be fine, ive never had the chance to smoke weed legally. which is a shame :(. but it has always been illegal in the uk so ive been in the same boat for my whole life and not once have i had police coming to my door because of the smell of weed, matter of fact, ive never had anyone complain.
hell ive even done afew back garden grows.


New Member
I vent my grow room outside without a filter.. only 3-4 plants at a time.. never a problem I smoke sometimes downstairs near flower room and blow it near the light so it get sucked out side as well. I am always paranoid that my home smells like weed inside.


Active Member
dude youl be fine, ive never had the chance to smoke weed legally. which is a shame :(. but it has always been illegal in the uk so ive been in the same boat for my whole life and not once have i had police coming to my door because of the smell of weed, matter of fact, ive never had anyone complain.
hell ive even done afew back garden grows.

...if he lives in say the state of Vermont, then possession of under 2oz first time offender carries 6 months jail and 500.00 fines. second time offender carries 2 years in jail and 2000.00 fines...


Well-Known Member
...if he lives in say the state of Vermont, then possession of under 2oz first time offender carries 6 months jail and 500.00 fines. second time offender carries 2 years in jail and 2000.00 fines...
i hear that, but whats the chance of a fed finding out unless your being silly about it, or by not hiding it.


Active Member not the feds, but local cops... the local cops in my community will make stuff up just to enter your home. A few years back in college, my neighbor's apartment was entered because the cop heard crying inside. Of course - there was no baby and was the tv, still the cops who were bored, smelled it, went in with their probable cause, and busted them...