Does this look normal? (White dots)

Hello my friends,

I'm very new to growing so I'm not really sure what to look for as far as problem signs. My little girls broke ground 4 days ago and have been looking better every day.
Today, I noticed these little white dots peppered all over the top side of the leaves.

Is this normal? I can't find close-ups of seedlings anywhere and every search I do containing "white dots" comes up with info on spider mites.

Any reassurance would be greatly appreciated!

Gown with:

3 - 100 watt CFL
Miracle grow potting mix - I know... probably not a good idea.
spring water
77 F durring day
63 F at night
35-55% humidity
Intake fan running when lights are on



Active Member
Ya. dots, uh huh, Good luck. At least your vigilant.
Oh it's the thc crystals that are on leafs. They are maturing too soon! harvest now!
I jest.