Does this one look like its ready!? *54 days Flowering*


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... long time no post....

Its been 54 and one of my plants looks like its budding the most fastest.... should i pul this one and put it in a different res with no nutes? just plain water to flush???

Let me know guys!!


t dub c

Well-Known Member
It looks close, I would leave it a week or two just to be sure. You should also check the trichs with a microscope. amber baby, amber. nice job though.


Well-Known Member
It looks close, I would leave it a week or two just to be sure. You should also check the trichs with a microscope. amber baby, amber. nice job though.
I thought you wanted the trichs to be hazy and cloudy, not amber. From what I understand amber trichs mean that you missed the optimal harvest time. or am I mistaken.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
I thought you wanted the trichs to be hazy and cloudy, not amber. From what I understand amber trichs mean that you missed the optimal harvest time. or am I mistaken.
It all depends, I like amber, I like my shit strong. but w/e.:joint:


Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks a lot....

I really appreciate the posts...

Im going to pull the plant now... and Flush...

Thanks a shit ton!.

Ill let you all know how it is... it smells really Sweet.... it literally smells like grapes.. (no joke)


Well-Known Member
You should wait at least a week before you pull it unless you have looked at the trichs and its ready.


Well-Known Member
i say one more week and you will be happy with the outcome. looks really good right now though. it is tempting, but the wait is well worth it. late


Well-Known Member
Pulled out.. and put in a seperate res with air stones.... Water is pure 6.0 PH ...

No nutes...

its bee 5 hours and its doing fine :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks lacy... !!:):hump: ive been watching your grows :)

i cant wait :)

I noticed the smell got wayyyy stronger.. Maybe cause of the transplant eh???


Well-Known Member
Harvest the ripest now if you fancy it. I don't believe in flushing, there is no evidence in its favour. I grow outside in cow shit, never flush and the taste is superb. plants got to eat. If you keep going day by day, let her have sweets, by which I mean 1tbs of Molasses in one gallon of water with a capful of Kelp extract, and feed it direct to the roots, whatever system you grow in, using regular small doses, picking as they ripen.


Well-Known Member
Oh,, well this is the first im hearing this... all i hear is.. "flush is key to good smoke" and all this stuff....

Well i got this nute called Sweet, its carbs by botanicare


Well-Known Member
Oh,, well this is the first im hearing this... all i hear is.. "flush is key to good smoke" and all this stuff....

Well i got this nute called Sweet, its carbs by botanicare
Sounds like the very thing. My recipe is more or less that, on the cheap.
I suppose that my point on flushing, is that I pay for top class nutrients, and the associated feeding advice. GH say to feed Floraripen in the last two weeks of flower. This takes us to full ripeness, Where do we get the two weeks for "flushing"? And certainly I have never, ever "flushed" an outdoor plant. I sometimes rinse plants I suspect I have overfed is all.:mrgreen: