does this plant look normal?


Well-Known Member
hey girl, I now know why you are asking this question, I see you have had a bit of a hard time here. You're plant looks better. Did you take any advice from your previous threads?


Well-Known Member
It looksa lot better at least it has sprouted a fewleaves now. Keep goin its fine. Wish you woulda replanted that 2 foot stem :wink: but itll be ok.
hey girl, I now know why you are asking this question, I see you have had a bit of a hard time here. You're plant looks better. Did you take any advice from your previous threads?
Yes I seemed it needed some food. I gave it .02% nitrogen, 18% phosphate and 6% potash all of which are slow released. I buried the stem and lowered the light. Shes also got a fan with a slight breeze on her.


Well-Known Member
Sweet mine is going through a n toxicity. I literally cant add nutes otherwise it gets the soil too hot. Turned out to be a boy any way. Just using it as experience to see how long I can keep it alive...


Well-Known Member
I don't do soil, but I think you need more nitrogen, something like 3-1-2 npk for veg. Someone who does soil might help, it looks a little yellow.
I don't do soil, but I think you need more nitrogen, something like 3-1-2 npk for veg. Someone who does soil might help, it looks a little yellow.
The soil itself had nutes in it so I didnt want to overdo it. If this is successful I think im gonna read up and try yo go hydro...any suggestions anyone?


Well-Known Member
if your using good soil you should not need to feed for 3-4 weeks. you can just watch it till it shows you it needs feeding. slight yellowing of the bottom leaves and such.
Not to alarm you but you should top that bucket up with more soil and try get your girl up to top a bit or when she gets taller the light will struggle to get to bottom of your plant just a tip ,apart from that it looks fine


Well-Known Member
Time release seems iffy to me. Can't control it much. I can't vouch for those nutes but is look into somethin else after 8 weeks