Doing Seed Soon: Need Some Questions Answered


Well-Known Member
So, im getting some LSD tomorrow. 3 hits of the "best shit" my guy has ever had. I've never done Acid but i've done mushrooms about 6 times from 1 gram to 3 grams. I've done Salvia about 10+ times and Robotripped more times than I can count. Though I was talking to a friends dad who grew up in the 80's and used to be a coke and PCP dealer he said "you'd like acid if you'd like to be in no control at all for 12 hours and there's no snapping back to reality for a second to do something just completely gone". Admittedly I started getting second thoughts on the crown jewel of all psychedelics. Is acid really like that will I have control over what im doing, Will I have any sense of where I am or will I just be ingulfed in a maze of patterns and colors?


Well-Known Member
In my experience is it a fairly manageable drug. Back in the day I tried acid for my third time with one of my good friends, it was going to be a pretty significant trip, but didn't know it at the time. Well we decided to drop them at a soccer field near my house, I did four tabs of Mr. Clean Blotter, unknown weight, and he did three. Then approximately 75 minutes later it began to rain, and I was already having OEV's, the kaleidoscope, as well as color merging on objects. For instance there was a soccer bench that was painted green, but the green paint was chipping off and revealing an orange stained wood. So the colors orange and green were melting and shifting around on the bench. But it began to downpour pretty heavily, so we went to my house. At that point we were pretty far gone, but I was able to make intelligible conversation, but the OEV's were dominating everything.

One time on acid 2 tabs, white unperfed, may have been a DOx but I doubt it, there was a sensation on the tongue but was definitely not, bitter, or metallic tasting. Anyway, I watched the 2nd Chronicles of Narnia for the come up. But at one point I was taking a shit, and my toilet faces the shower door, and there are frosted lines on the glass that run in diagonal tracks, then back the other way, so it looks like many open ended triangles stacked then an even gap between each one. At one point I saw a rainbow stream down one of these tracks, fall off the glass, puddled on the shower floor and then into the drain in the shower. It was fucked and the whole time I was so engaged at watching what it was doing, I just forgot to think, wait maybe this isn't actually happening.

But I have 5 tabs of some artistic unperfed blotter, tried 2 the other day but going to finish them off either tonight of friday.



Well-Known Member
dot be scared or nervous going into it, and if this is reall "best shit ever" quality cid then you should start with 1 or two tabs, i can imagine 3 tabs for a firt timer being a little over the limit

imdoing some form of hallucinogens at the alman brothers show this weekend. i hope i can find some tabs but im not looking to go as wild as last year


Oracle of Hallucinogens
IMO your friend's dad is full of shit and just couldn't handle his psychedelics. lol. I love chilln out and seein shit, it was like having a WMP or Winamp visualizer in my head :-D. And you get to learn some indepth shit about yourself.. it's all around fun & educational ;-)


Well-Known Member
IMO your friend's dad is full of shit and just couldn't handle his psychedelics. lol. I love chilln out and seein shit, it was like having a WMP or Winamp visualizer in my head :-D. And you get to learn some indepth shit about yourself.. it's all around fun & educational ;-)
some people, like your friends dad, just dont have the mentality for it


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the reassurance... now I also wanted to know where would be a good place to trip. Should I go into nature like mushrooms or just stay in my house incase of a bad trip?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i was doing acid back in the 70's. i don't know what it's like now, but back then you didn't need anything more than one hit. matter of fact, we would do halves. orange sunshine, mr. natural, blotter, purple micro-dot, window pane..... if it's really good acid, i'd only do one to start out. if it's really good acid, you only need one. you have no point of reference on how it will effect you. acid lasts for hours. if it doesn't agree with you, well.......


Active Member
If you've done shrooms,It's quite similar.When I've done acid my biggest problem was how to stop laughing.My next problem was that I thought everyone was looking at me.In the 70's I had the privalage of doing LSD-25 a couple of times....There's nothing like that.Over the top. GL


Well-Known Member
you can deff lose all control. i took 1 and a half hits of some plain white tabs, 15 mins into it im watching half baked and i cant even tell what movie it is anymore. for the next four hours i felt like i had died and was stuck on my friends couch, i totally didnt know i took acid. after 4 hours i snapped back to reality in one instant and i could smell, taste, feel again, but i was still tripping hard. then i had the about the greatest 10 hours of my life, tripping face and just really happy to be alive. it was overall a great experience, but i would never want to trip that hard again. i recommend you start off with only one hit, you never know how strong it is till you try it. i made that mistake and learned the hard way.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
imdoing some form of hallucinogens at the alman brothers show this weekend.
:finger:I'm jealous, man. That's one of the best shows I've been to. Tripping probably would have made it unbearably amazing. I saw them at Mud Island Amphitheater. Its on an island in the middle of the Mississippi river with downtown Memphis behind the stage.

As for my limited acid experience(one trip), I felt in control the whole time but I would get really distracted by stuff. I would see something really interesting or a great song would come on and I would just focus on it for a little while. Someone started playing some Janis Joplin and I just gravitated toward the speakers and closed my eyes. My gf said she watched me stand there for 30 minutes before she came over and asked if I was ok. All I said was "This music is fucking amazing."


Active Member
shit, if it is good, and your first time, ONLY DO 1! After an hour or 2, if u feel good enough, or even remember, then u can take more. trust me. it all depends on the potency and your personal tolerance/self-control over psychedelics. Acid can take you to a place where you won't even remember who you are, or maybe even what u are. I have tripped everything you can imagine and acid still takes the cake. that first time is a doozy, be prepared for a rollercoaster of laughing, fear, fun and insanity. It can be completely unpredictable. And even if everyone takes the same amount of the same exact shit, you all are on a different ride. No real way to explain it, just try to always remember that you took something, so you don't get lost in your own mind.


Well-Known Member
:finger:I'm jealous, man. That's one of the best shows I've been to. Tripping probably would have made it unbearably amazing. I saw them at Mud Island Amphitheater. Its on an island in the middle of the Mississippi river with downtown Memphis behind the stage.

where do you live? the bros have been touring with phill lesh and friends or bob wier and rat dog for the past few years and theyve gotten around the country a few times. last year i was lucky enough to see all 3 "groups" playing together. not to mention being lucky enough to be on handfuls of hallucinogens.

on this subject, to the OP, your question as to if you should be indoors or outside? i think the best place to tripp is at an outdoor concert surrounded by 1000 of other tripping hippies. its damn near magical the way the music effects everybody


Active Member
Acid is really like a combo of really strong mdma, methamphetamine, and nitrous oxide... for like 6-12 hours of up and downs, if that means anything to anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Acid is really like a combo of really strong mdma, methamphetamine, and nitrous oxide... for like 6-12 hours of up and downs, if that means anything to anyone else?
actually, i think all of those have a hint of acid feeling to them, not the other way around


Active Member
you can deff lose all control. i took 1 and a half hits of some plain white tabs, 15 mins into it im watching half baked and i cant even tell what movie it is anymore. for the next four hours i felt like i had died and was stuck on my friends couch, i totally didnt know i took acid. after 4 hours i snapped back to reality in one instant and i could smell, taste, feel again, but i was still tripping hard. then i had the about the greatest 10 hours of my life, tripping face and just really happy to be alive. it was overall a great experience, but i would never want to trip that hard again. i recommend you start off with only one hit, you never know how strong it is till you try it. i made that mistake and learned the hard way.
Yeah, I took my first hit after literally dozens of x-tacy and shroom trips. I totally underestimated it, It pulled me out of my mind quite a few times that day, I had to try hard to maintain any grip on reality, to no avail cuz the acid had my brain. Seriously, it was thefirst drug that I have taken that actually made me think I could get stuck in that wierd trip-state forever, and you just wanna come down. But then 10 seconds later, you completely forget about that

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
where do you live? the bros have been touring with phill lesh and friends or bob wier and rat dog for the past few years and theyve gotten around the country a few times. last year i was lucky enough to see all 3 "groups" playing together. not to mention being lucky enough to be on handfuls of hallucinogens.

on this subject, to the OP, your question as to if you should be indoors or outside? i think the best place to tripp is at an outdoor concert surrounded by 1000 of other tripping hippies. its damn near magical the way the music effects everybody
I'm down in Mississippi. I haven't really been able to go to any shows, thought i did get to see Umphrey's McGee a few months ago. I've still yet to experience a show while tripping.

Indoors or out? Do it where you feel comfortable, but outside was more interesting to me.


Well-Known Member
i had an awsome time at warped tour last year on one and a half. just make sure you know how strong it is before dropping at a huge event like that.


Well-Known Member
Well thank you all for that info. My guy said he got it from a guy who was a cartoonist in I guess acid tab art (whatever it is called) who made it in 2002 and has since passed away. It has the right side of a joker card on it. He said he was getting some strong OEV's on it with just 1 tab... I can't wait :-P


Active Member
The first time I did acid I Jedi flipped (acid, ecstasy, and mushrooms) and had a great time. Doors started appearing on cement walls. Got totally lost on the highway while my one friend was driving and the other was in the passenger seat yelling, "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE HAVEN'T DIED YET. BWAHAHAHAHA!". It was awesome.

If you do too much you can lose control... but you have to do A LOT. I did 2 hits of some daaank and thought I had Lil Wayne rappin in my room. Fuckin crazy.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
its amazing i would drop all 3 stamps if i were you, it very interestin for me. i personaly love how i become surounded by my own little world lmao, but im the same way as your friend i cant do anything but trip lmao , and mabey pack a bowl , try rollling a joint , gets you thinking about being the paper and weed and being smoked lmao was interesting lmao