dolomite lime for seedlings?


have a lot of seeds to plant so I decided to make the soil to start the seeds:leaf:

I already had worm castings in a box with some worms inside and then I add two parts of coconut powder from home depot that claims to have low EC and also has red lava rock, I decided it would be good add a little of perlite but I don't know if it's a good idea to add dolomite lime.

I have no idea of the pH of the soil... so is dolomite lime harmful to seedlings or worms?
I plan to germinate more than 50 regular seeds and I need a lot of soil and discard many plants to select the best
I already have some bags of soil and boxes with super soil cooking... so I just need to know if it is better to add the dolomite lime or not. Once I discard plants and transplant I will use the soil I bought and then the supersoil
It’s called seed raising mix, transplanted soon after sprouting normally, I’m not sure why you’re getting all tangled on this. Just pop the beans in Coco and away you go. Don’t need 15 amendments to sprout a seed, just moisture and warmth you’re making it to complicated
sure it's better to keep it simple sometimes. but when you have things at your disposal to prevent a problem or deficiency why not ask the question

I have 20 kilos that I don't know if I will use, and a soil of which I have no idea the pH
I’ve planted hundreds of seeds and rooted hundreds of clones in straight coco just save your lime for your soil mix or fruit trees n whatever
I grow outdoors, and I amend my final soil with Dolomite lime can’t recommend it enough! It will buffer ph and help grow some killer bud. But I would just use a nice organic potting soil to start, no dolomite needed.

I don’t measure it really I just sprinkle it in by hand.
I have had BAD luck with seed starter mixes, so I just use a potting mix to transplant my sprouts now and that works great.