Donald Trump is an Idiot. Proof inside.


Well-Known Member
So after the Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl in 50 years last night, Trump, trying to be very presidential, congratulated the team and the people of the state of Kansas.

You can't make this stuff up, folks. We have a world leader that can't remember what freaking state a major U.S. city is in.

This is something every 4th grader in America knows.

What an idiot.
Turkey is now bombing and shelling Assad and Russian forces, don't worry, this is why Gawd sent him to us, he probably doesn't even need to leave his golf course to fix this, MAGA.
Or is he just the fucking antichrist. My personal opinion is possibly not, the antichrist is supposedly going to be loved by tricking EVERYONEEE. But hey its still a possibility.
Sixty minutes minutes had a great piece on frontal lobe dementia last night.

The good news, it's a 100% fatal.