Don't know what she has

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
22 days into flower and she looks bad. Can't find any deficiencies that match what she's got. I may have overlooked it but I don't know.



Well-Known Member
Mg, P, pH change. What color is the stem? Tips curl inward, too much N?
How do you feel? Do you believe in her? She can do it!
What is your medium composed of, has she been in the same since sprout, and what was she fed most recently, is that any more or less than what she had before.

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
Have not changed the ph (6.4) and the medium is 2 part potting soil to 1 part perlite and 1 part peat moss. She was fed 10 days ago and this just started 2 days ago. Tips are curling down, some stems are purple.


Well-Known Member
Mg or P. Would you be open to a feeding/watering at 6.5? May help with uptake.

It's said to take up to 8 days in soil for what you've fed to be fully absorbed and put into action. Feeding 10 days ago, and seeing these signs 2 says ago, means that she had 8 days to breakdown and absorb what you most recently fed her.

Also, have you checked the pH of your runoff, that may help as well.

Spanky's Monkey

Active Member
Just got a small bag of Epsom Salts and I do believe she needs to feed to night so we will be going with a half strenght feeding.


Well-Known Member
is that in a glass pot? if it is you should change the pot those are bad for the plants root system


Well-Known Member
Is she 22 days flowering from germination? Or 22 days flowering with some more days as vegitation?
I'd say she ready for a full feeding.