Dont know when shes ready! HELP


So im running 2 Rocklock, 2 Afgani haze, snow white, and LA confidential, I am at week 10 day 1, under 12/12, Buds arnt huge, AND during week-5-7 i was in nut lockout they didnt grow much when that went on, do i need to keep them going longer because that happened???


Well-Known Member
unfortunately the plant will only make the buds as big as it is able to do. once it's ripe you should cut it down. like a banana, cannabis produces various aromas, tastes, and potencies of chemicals as it goes through various degrees of ripeness. but you can still suppose an 'optimal ripeness', like when a banana is completely yellow.

my personal preference is to harvest right when i begin noticing the first few amber trichomes among the milky ones. then it's time to dry and then cure. this produces a very cerebral high, especially in sativa strains. the chemicals involved here are THC and CBD, wherin CBD produces a more body oriented high. CBD is becoming more abundant while THC is decreasing, the more you allow bud to ripen past the stage i just mentioned

it's also worth noting that on large plants in indoor grows, lower branches which receive less light than the top canopy can turn out less ripe than the higher up stuff. so it is sometimes beneficial to first harvest the top of the plant which appears very ripe, and allow the lower stuff a few days in direct light to ripen to what you consider optimal.