Don't think cats have 9 lives?


Well-Known Member
The next time life has you down, you still haven't had it as bad as this poor kitty? And what kind of dumb asses are in charge of this shelter?

WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah (AP) — A stray cat that survived two trips to a Utah animal shelter's gas chamber now has a new home.
Officials at West Valley City's animal shelter in Utah say the cat named Andrea hadn't been adopted for 30 days when shelter officials tried to put her to death in October. She survived, so they gassed her again.
Shelter officials detected no vital signs and presumed she was dead after the second try, so they put her in a plastic bag in a cooler. But when they checked the bag, they saw she had vomited on herself and had hypothermia but was alive.


Well-Known Member
Fucking idiots should have known better after the first time the gas didn't work.


Well-Known Member
Alot of people that get that nasty duty are usually court appointed with little training.
Excuse me but no. U think they put criminals in there? No, my friend works in an animal hospital. It's a very brutal job and very stressful. I know that don't have. Riminals working there. I dunno about the humane society, but I doubt it's court appointed people. Last time I was in at my local human society it was all professionally dressed and looking people.

The cat probably had a very faint heart beat, and they have tiny veins. It would be undetectable to almost anyone. Don't blame the people for and a fortunate accident. Good thing they checked back.


Well-Known Member
thats horrible. Humane society my ass. 30 days in death row is more like it. Theres nothing humane about killing an animal, especially a little kitty that hasn't had a chance at life. All they want to do is be free, they should spay them and just release them into the wild. that would be more humane.