Don't you love when..


Active Member
You find a stash when you least expect it?
Especially after you haven't smoked in a good while...

It's almost like you hear angels singing=)



Well-Known Member
haha yeah.. i loved the one time it happened to me. about 1 gram of super dank brick weed :) (sarcasm)


Well-Known Member
I don't know about angels singing.

I stopped smoking right after starting college and left most my stuff at my moms house.

After I graduate, get all my stuff from moms, move out, get married, move again, repack and re-unpack for a total of 10 years and opening up the battery compartment of a collectible Star Wars toy and out pops a dime bag that's at least 10 maybe 11 years old. STILL SMELLS SKUNK!!

My wife and our family friends are standing right there as this dime bag falls out of a 27 year old toy. THAT took some explaining.:wall:

I'm not sure I heard angels after 10 years of not smoking, but I heard something.

I sill wonder if there are a few bags out there that I just haven't found yet.
