Double Grow! Green Goblin?


Active Member
Hey guys! Welcome to my double grow!

Outdoor Hydroponic Juicy Fruit

I have recently received some fairly potent seeds from a reliable friend-of-a-friend, who happens to be some form of marijuana-breeder?? kiss-ass As I was saying, he gave me 2 seeds of "Juicy Fruit" and another 2 of "Green Goblin" Both for free. This is my first real MJ grow, and I feel pretty confident.

I germinated my seeds inside of peat pods under a humidity dome. The green goblin sprouted first and was placed into a 6" wide pot. I used a mixture of the soil from my outdoor garden plot and "Best Potting Soil"
In my garden I used sterilized dirt from the ground, two different miracle grows, another soil brand, which I've forgot the name of, but I know it contained chicken and fish manuer as well as seaweed/kelp extracts and other trace ele-- blah blah blah blah blah... Enough about that, lets get to the growing!

This seedling is 3 days old (since coming out of the germinador/humidity dome) I have not added any nutes yet.

Since it is in the dirt, I'm not sure whether to use the cheapo 24-8-16 Miracle Grow fertilizer(Mix with water, give to plant), Or to simply use my Fox Farms "Grow Big" Hydroponic nutes, as I heard this is okay to do.



Active Member
Any feedback at all would be great! Have I done anything wrong yet? Got any ideas? Suggestions? Is my plant growing slow? Is it growing fast?

When should I add nutes? How much?

Heres what I'm working with:

