Drawf setup, good lamp wattage?

1st post = obvious noob lol. This will be my first attempt at growing. After the reading around I've been doing I feel I've got a good bit of understanding on the steps and process to dwarf and use LST. Now just need some direction on getting a good setup established. I've got a pretty good idea of what I'm going to use for my housing and vent system but the lighting situation is still unsolved.

Trying to constuct this just from stuff around my apt. lol. Pretty much just to help cut down start up costs and it'll only be R&D untill I feel I've got it down well enough to finally start yeilding something of worth. Then I'll deffinitly be looking to move to a higher quality housing.

The housing I plan to use is ruffly 2'h x 2'w x 1'd. For the vent, basicly some small fans and a bit of duct. Honestly couldn't tell you how many cfm's that the fans move. Now leaving me with lighting. I have done a little research in the area but don't know if the answers I am finding are correct for my application. As it seems most of what I'm finding is for much larger scales and are not dwarfed.

So for an operation this size what would be a good wattage? I have one of those ottlite reading lights and was looking to use that but unsure if it will be enough. If it's not quite up to par are there things I can do to aid making it brighter (i.e. line the inside with white paper or something)? Also what wattage would be excessive for something this small?


Active Member
the height concerns me. for that size I think i would do a 6-bulb 2' t5 deal. find the cheapest you can. That would be like 130watts or so... but due to the reaction being spread throughout the volume of the tube the heat won't be bad and your plants will almost be able to touch it.

grow in a small container, bend, use more air than you think necessary.