Dream Machine, Gorilla Skittles, Thunder fuck and 3 Kingdoms Grow Diary.

This is my journal for a run of;

3 Dream Machine,
3 Gorilla Skittlez,
1 Thunderfuck
1 Three Kingdoms.

These will be cut down to 4 eventually, picking the 4 most desirable based on phenotype preferences and overall health.

They will be run in a 6ft (L) x 3ft (W) x 5ft (H) or 2M x 1M x 1.8M.

Plants will be fed the full Biobizz range as I'm interested in trying a more organic approach. Substrate will be a 2:1 ratio of Coco to Perlite used in Aeropots. Feeding will done by following the feeding schedule given by Biobizz (EC values will be adjusted when/if needed)

Flowering time is around 63 days for each plant and will probably go the full length as I prefer a more orange trichome percentage.

Lighting is in the form of 2 X Spider Farmer SF2000's 1 X Spider framer SF1000 and a 68W UVB UVB (14%) lamp.

Ventilation and circulation will be taken take care of by; AC Infinity S6 pole clip fan, AC Infinity T4 extraction fan, unbranded 4 inch extractor fan, 2 Rhino Pro carbon filters, 6 inch fresh external air intake pipe.

Atmosphere condition management. RH will be managed by a AC Infinity Cloud Forge and a small/medium dehumidifier with self management. Heating will be managed by a pole type heater controlled by an inline thermostat. All AC Infinity products will be managed by the controller 69 pro connected via the UIS system. CO2 Edition will be done via a standard size Exhale CO2 bag (may double up during flowering once I purchased CO2 meter).

Environmental targets.

Veg Temp - 78°F to 82 -°F or 26°C to 28°C
Veg RH - 60%

Flower Temp - 67°F to 70°F or 19°C to 21°C
Flowering RH - 55%

I'm also looking to monitor and gain further knowledge regarding VPD and its effects when managed properly vs unmanaged. Any insight on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Plants will be grown using the mainlining technique due to the total growing space limitations.

I am always looking to further knowledge and pass on any knowledge/experience I have. Please feel free to discuss/ask questions regarding any of my methods.

Hope some people find this informative or I learn something new during this run.
Day 1 - Germination (Week 1) Thurs 9th November.

A solution of Biobizz Microbes and Biobizz Root Juice was mixed in a bowl (Ratio 3ml/L Root Juice, 1/4 spoon (supplied) of Microbes) to approx 1/2 a US Gal or 2 litres of boiled and cooled water. 8 Root Riot cubes were then soaked in the solution for approx 1 hour and removed to drain naturally.

The cubes were then turned upside down and a new hole cut in the bottom and placed wrong side up in to the plastic provided (reason is because I like the air gap between the bottom of the cube and the plastic as I find it help drain better if you over wet them during germination). Seeds were then placed inside and approx 2/3ml of the solution made early dripped on to the top of the cubes before being discarded. The cubes were then placed inside a heated propagator.
Side note.

Growing space initial run before first transplant.

A test to see all parameters of growing are achievable.

Room temps - between 73/75°F or 23/24°C due to geographic locations my target temp of 79°F or 26°C may not always be achievable.
RH - Stable at 60%
VPD - Stable around 1 KPa
Good luck! I've been growing gorilla zkittles for over 2 years now. Also used biobizz line, but in promix. Ditched the biobizz last year, overpriced beet juice. I still have the strain going. Not potent enough for me, but smells amazing. Bag appeal is up there. Edibles will put you right to sleep like a light switch. Not really stoney, just "God I'm tired" then it's tomorrow.

Here is an independent review from a sample bag I handed out.


Hope you get a pheno with a bit more punch, good luck!
Thanks man. Well I'll keep you up to date as it all progresses via here. I swapped from AN's line to Biobizz after some of the reviews. Can I ask what you swapped to after ditching Biobizz?
Day 1 (Week 1) - Update on seeds.

Slight joy on inspection two of eight have split their cases!
3 Kingdoms and Dream Machine after several hours.

Other still have no sign of change as to be expected.
Day 2 (week 1)

More development showing on the tap root of the 3 Kingdoms and Dream Machine.

No further developments except 1 Gorilla Skittlez and 1 Dream Machine have just started to split.
Day 3 (Week 1)

All seeds have now Split with further developments on the 3K's and GS.

Cubes were given approx 2/3ml of additional water/rootjuice/microbes mix to maintain water content.
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Day 4 (week 1)

Well first mistake made (not overly problematic) i saw the little white loop poking through the top of the root riot cube so decided to leave them in my dark warm place until they come up. Left them over night and now I have slightly spindlely and yellowing seedlings.

They will be left in the natural daylights for a fe hours before being transferred to the growing space. Reason for this is it's raining heavily here today and natural light levels are lower than usually would be. So it should allow the plants a few hours to acclimatise.

Next step is to place the propagator under the single SF1000 set to a height of aappox 18-24 inches will change if I feel the plants are bleaching or stretching.

Please excuse the crappy photos my camera isn't the best and will upload better ones shortly.


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Day 4 (Week 1) - Update.

Update as promised. Tap root development good with 7/8 all pushing through the bottom of the Root Riot Cubes. Each plant given 2/3ml of premixed Microbes and Root Juice.

I think it's worth mentioning here I didn't both to measure the EC of this solution as it's mixed at like 25% or less of manufacturing specifications. Also I have soft water where I live. As guess I would guess EC would be around 0.2.

Coco has also been buffered for 72 hours. I use Canna Coco Pro Plus (This can be used straight from the bag but I always wash it and buffer it).

My buffer method

Firstly rinse the Coco to reduce the amount of fine dust - this stuff to me is like peat it just holds too much moisture. Messy but worth the end result. Also helps flush out any remaining salts.

I then place the rinsed coco in a large container and make a cal mag solution with an EC of 2.0. I use enough water to fully cover and saturate the Coco. I then mix it and let steep for 48-72 hours before draining off. Perlite is then washed at added making a 2:1 Coco/perlite ratio ready for use in pots.

For people new Coco don't miss this step you will run in to early stage/early veg development calmag related problems.
Biobizz recommended feeding schedule for Coco.

It also recommends dropping Bio-Grow for Fishmix during the vegetative stage, which I will be doing. When switching to flower swapping Fishmix back to Bio-Grow.


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Day 5 (week 1)

Late update as plants didn't really change much out side of starting to develop first true leaf set after the cotyledon set on one or two.

Only change in environment was opening the propagator vent to allow RH to drop slightly before transplant to primary pots.
Day 6 (week 1)

Transplant Day!

So the ladies are ready for their first move. Seeing as I'm undecided which ones will stay and which ones will do I have decided to transplant them all and see which phenotypes on which plants I prefer.

3 are in upcycled plastic bags with lots of holes for drainage cut in to them.

3 are in small air pots

1 is in an old plant pot

1 is in a Tupperware container.

I expect these to be in these only for a short while before being transferred to 4 large airpots and the final 4 being decided.

Secondary notes -

Lighting has now changed due to pot placement and other annoying parameters. 3 plants have been placed under one sf2000 at around 20 inches or 500mm away. The other 5 under the other sf2000 again at 20 inches or 500mm away.

These lamps are running at approx 70% power. Adjustments will be made if needed tomorrow to the power and height. These have now gone from being on 24/0 hour light cycle (to correct the yellowing from previous) to an 18/6 hour light cycle.

Plants were fed first round of nutrients according to the Biobizz schedule but at around 20-30% recommended does. Note: I swapped Bio Grow for Fishmix as recommended by the instructions. This will remain untill I want to switch to flower.

PH was 6.2
EC was 0.8

Due to initial EC being higher than required solution was diluted with water to lower the EC.

Each plant received a small amount to help with the transplant.

I'm not expecting much development for the next day or so while they establish themselves. This being due to being slightly shocked from large environmental changes.
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Some pictures - Photography is not my strong point apologies.


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