These plants are about 4 weeks old. No clue what kind of Cannabis they are. Can you help me identify my issues?
I already know I’ve been over watering them so im assuming that’s my the points are dropping so I’m cutting back on water. But since cutting back on the water, the leaves have started to V on me. I’ve read this is good but I’m not seeing any upward growth. Could I be giving them to much light? I leave my light on 24/7. I’m thinking about setting my light timer to 18 on and 6 off. It’s an LED light and does not produce much heat. Another heat issues could be the heater in the room? It keeps the room at about 75 degrees. I’ve also read it could mean the plant is Mg hungry.
Lastly it looks like the last node that has grown has “topped” its self off. It just grew two leaves and no room for more. Attached is pictures of everything I’ve explained. I’ve read that if your plant tops itself off then you should cut away the leaves so it will continue to grow more nodes. Any help is appreciated. First time grower.

I already know I’ve been over watering them so im assuming that’s my the points are dropping so I’m cutting back on water. But since cutting back on the water, the leaves have started to V on me. I’ve read this is good but I’m not seeing any upward growth. Could I be giving them to much light? I leave my light on 24/7. I’m thinking about setting my light timer to 18 on and 6 off. It’s an LED light and does not produce much heat. Another heat issues could be the heater in the room? It keeps the room at about 75 degrees. I’ve also read it could mean the plant is Mg hungry.
Lastly it looks like the last node that has grown has “topped” its self off. It just grew two leaves and no room for more. Attached is pictures of everything I’ve explained. I’ve read that if your plant tops itself off then you should cut away the leaves so it will continue to grow more nodes. Any help is appreciated. First time grower.