Droopy big sick babies


Indoor Hydroponic
Usually 2 to times a day for 5 mins.
Rockwool Slabs
Late Veg

So the plants have been fine up until the day I put in a 1000 watt light along side the 600. First I knew the light was too close at one point which resulted in one of my other plants getting burned.
The temp in the room is on average with the fans pulling thru both lights like 88. I dont really have any other idea except the heat. other plants are ding just fine though.

I should also add that all 3 plants in this slab seem to have the same problem. They are all the same strain though.


Well-Known Member
what up bro i am haveing the same problem and its only 3 of my babbeis and im in rock woll and just put them into flower and i am watering 3 times when the light is on and only wet the roots for 10 mins at night but in veg i water 4 times in a 24 hours . I think its eather a N diff or a cow mag diff and them being thursty cause when i give them a top feed they start to look better . I also have a temp problem i cant get my temp lower then 86 witch is not that bad but the strain im growing is not likeing it at all but for the most part all my plants look really good all but the 3 that are doing bad

Robert Paulson

Active Member
I'm willing to bet since you guys are both feeding multiple times a day with rockwool that your plants are way way overwatterred.

back off the waterrings for a day or two and I bet they will perk up. Just see how long it takes for the medium to dry out.


Well-Known Member
I'm going with over watering too:lol:I've never grow in slabs:eyesmoke:I grew in the lose bulk rock wool:lol:Used it just like dirt;-)But ph'ed to hydro's 5.8~water when the pot is lite:hump:I was doing the "By The Hand Method" just like dirt:clap:Watering like every 3 days or so let'em dry out and stretch the roots:sleep:
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