Droopy clone


New Member
IMG_1243.JPG I have 3 female clones I got from the dispensary and they seemed to be doing fine up until the past couple days where one of them had been drooping a lot and noticed some decoloration. I'm not sure what to do I've been very careful to not over or underwater but I'm still stumped on why my plants drooping, the 3 other clones are doing fine under the same circumstances and I would like to know what to do.
View attachment 3975178 I have 3 female clones I got from the dispensary and they seemed to be doing fine up until the past couple days where one of them had been drooping a lot and noticed some decoloration. I'm not sure what to do I've been very careful to not over or underwater but I'm still stumped on why my plants drooping, the 3 other clones are doing fine under the same circumstances and I would like to know what to do.

How many days ago did you get that clone from the dispensary. Mist it with water, RO water if you have it as soon as you can. Better get it under a dome as soon as you can to keep it humid. Should have started in a tiny 4" pot if using a pot, it may die in that pot. Wetting the soil in a big pot like that is not gonna keep enough moisture around the stem of the clone.
View attachment 3975178 I have 3 female clones I got from the dispensary and they seemed to be doing fine up until the past couple days where one of them had been drooping a lot and noticed some decoloration. I'm not sure what to do I've been very careful to not over or underwater but I'm still stumped on why my plants drooping, the 3 other clones are doing fine under the same circumstances and I would like to know what to do.
Buba is right. Its root system hasnt grown enough to sustain it so you need high humidity to stop transpiration and allow it to build up pressure in its stem until it can support itself. Tap water is fine imo but ro couldnt hurt