Droopy Plants


Everything was going well and then about a week ago, all my plants started to droop. I changed the nutes, cleaned everything and rechecked the PH. The plants are not dead, but still look very limp. Any suggestions on what to do to save them.They are about 1.5 months old


I carefully went over in mind what may have caused the stress. All my plants including some tomatoes (which are not in hydro) suffered the droopiness.

The only thing I did was spay the walls and floor with some household bug killer. I may have got some on the lights (cfl bulbs) or on the fans.

My question is for the experts or anyone that has some advise--the plants are not dead, they just look like there is "no lead in the pencil". Is there anything that can perk them up?????

Thanks for all your help.


Active Member
If the leaves are just straight HANGING limp, looking dead, it probably needs water. If indeed it is under watered, the plant will recover quickly from an appropriate watering. Within a few hours, you'll see the leaves perking back up and the branches straightening up.