Drug Question


Active Member
I weigh 270 and was a heavy smoker. Below are my clean days tell me if you think I'll pass. I have a test strip coming in the mail that will be here by Friday at the very latest. This will be for a hospital so more than likely like the last hospital I applied to did it like this. They do a test strip if any amount of NG/ML comes up they send it to a lab and you then have to test below 20 NG/ML. *My test I'm guessing will be done with a urine sample given at a physical that also tests for other things like diabetes kidney problems etc if that matters*

Heavy smoker for months around 3-5 times a week then clean for 42 days.
Smoked a J with someone on Dec 27th at the most .5 - 3/4 gram. Then clean for 37 days.
From Feb 3rd to 7th I smoked an 1/8th and smoked at the most 3 grams seeing as most was with other people. I will be clean exactly 30 days on the day of the test.
What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Man you'll be fine, just drink plenty of water. Stay away from carbonation if your real worried about it. I've passed a hospital drug test in a week and a half....mind you I'm probably a third of your size, but it really depends on the body fat in your body. THC stores in the fat cells, but with a little bit of water help I don't see why you couldn't pass one in 2-3 weeks??? at most 30 Days if this is a piss test.


Active Member
whats your physical activity like? honestly?
based on your numbers and weight i can bet you'll still come up with xx amount. IF its a urinalysis, then the only way you can truly be safe is to drink so much water during the days leading to when you pee, that your urine will be basically water. the reason is because the more often you pee, the less time your body has time to process the liquid. thc is fat soluable (think canna-butter).

also some companies have caught onto this so they also test the ph balance, temps and color. easy fix is vitamin B and warm water. now you can have normal beverages if you wanted, im sure the concept is still the same and might better mask the ph/color portions but id also want to not forget its only a temp situation until after your test.

now im partial to believe that the reason thc is one of the few active substances that stays in our system so long(ridiculously long compared to 'drugs' which can kill) is because god made it as a trade off for having so many positive safe uses. but thats just me :)

also dont pee first thing in the morning, and when you do pee the 'test' pee out some first before you let your pee hit the test (catch it midstream)
if you come up hot, a dr from the lab will call you to which you have to verify your last 4. he/she will then go through the whole blah blah blah of testing positive. you will then be given a chance to give reason with a dr's proof. if not the lab notifies said employer that you tested 'positive' for substances not withing company guidelines.


Active Member
180lbs/6'3" and I've passed tests with 8 days sober.

-Shit loads of water
-Niacin (vitamin B) pills
-Sauna / sit in bathroom with shower on max
-Cardio. Mad amounts of cardio. The more you sweat the better.
-Low fat foods, no sugar, each mostly vegetables/fish if possible.
-No pop/soda/energy drinks/alcohol. Just water or natural green tea (Not the shit green tea you get in a bottle, that stuffs full of sugar and other additives, legit green tea you brew in a kettle.)
-Eat a bunch of small meals instead of 2 or 3 big ones. Eat something every 30 minutes or so while you're awake, it tricks your body into boosting your metabolism. Stay away from sugary snacks and that kind of thing because thats preventing your body from burning fat cells (which store THC)

If you cant piss clean doing this you're high.


Well-Known Member
My wife worked for a casino that tested all the time and she smoked the week she was on vacation, she just knew those assholes were going to test her when she got back so the day before she drank a cup of viniger, sure enough they tested her and she passed.
I've done the same thing and passed also but it only lasts 24 hrs. then you go back to dirty.
AND after doing that I promise you'll never eat a salad with viniger dressing again LOL!


Active Member
all the vinegar does is replace the 'natural urine' you would of pee'd. you can get the same effects by drinking LOTS of water and exercise. water is good for you so why not drink the recommended 8glass' a day? that alone will keep you fully hydrated and should*** keep your urine flowing