Drug Test At Work


i was going to be getting my card here soon in colorado. my job takes drug test to work there will this effect me at work can they fire me our any other company fire me i f i apply there if i have a card and test positive for thc? they do randoms thanks


Well-Known Member
I bet they can. They donot have all the bugs worked out in the laws yet. I would be safe then sorry.
Good question. I am sure someone has a info about it.


Well-Known Member
really in cali gover veto the bill to protect us from what i have read they respect co law a little more but i would make sure my test came up clean with jobs being as sparce as they are u dont want to give them any reason not to hire u


Well-Known Member
The Dr.'s recommendation and registry in CO provide no legal protection from drug testing at work.
What the specific wording in the laws state is that no employer has to make any provisions for you to smoke on the job.
It does not state anything about drug testing, and/or whether or not a company could fire you on those grounds.
If you are forced to take random drug tests by your employer, and the next time you take one you OPENLY disclose that your smoking marijuana and are on the state registry for it's medical use -then I think it would be rather difficult to fire you.
If they do, I see no reason why you wouldn't have a groundbreaking court case on your hands for wrongful termination.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
If they did i wonder if the americans with disabilities act would help, i mean shit would they fire some one who come up with codine or hydrocodone in their urine if they had a prescription for it?


Active Member
Colorado is not a right to work state. They can fire you because they don't like your hair cut. As long as it is not related to religion, ethnicity, sex, etc... etc. They can, not hire you, or fire you at will.

As stated before being a patient on the registry does not give any protection by law.
