Drug test info.

I am a male. 5'10'. 117lBS. i was just curious how long do you think it would take for me to pass a thc urine drug test. I smoked a few days ago. i shared a skinny ass joint with my buddy. So i probabley smoked around .3-.5g to myself of some mids. just give me your best estimate.

-keep tokin, stay safe.
If you are a regular smoker, probably about a month. If it was the first and only time you have smoked in the last six months, maybe three to ten days.

If you smoke even semi-regularly, it really doesn't matter how much you smoke, it will be in your system for a while.


Well-Known Member
IDK about all that^

Im 5'7", 130 and I quit smoking before my tests about two weeks before I have to take them. Ive also passed an At Home Drug Test from CVS in 10 days by drinking lots of water and working out.


Well-Known Member
yes if your a frequent user it will stay in your sytem for 2-4 weeks. If you excersise regularly than it may be less time. if you have a deadline i reccomend going to a drug store to get a cheap urine test a couple days before your real one to make sure your clean


Well-Known Member
IDK about all that^

Im 5'7", 130 and I quit smoking before my tests about two weeks before I have to take them. Ive also passed an At Home Drug Test from CVS in 10 days by drinking lots of water and working out.
yea thats what i was just gunna say. Ihave passed one in as little as one week without any system cleaner. but i was skating a lot at the time so i was sweating all day everyday for weeks on end.


bud bootlegger
IDK about all that^

Im 5'7", 130 and I quit smoking before my tests about two weeks before I have to take them. Ive also passed an At Home Drug Test from CVS in 10 days by drinking lots of water and working out.
yeah.. i tend to agree with in the woods on this one.. i stopped 18 days b4 my test, and passed ok.. i didn't smoke a ton b4 stopping though, so i am sure this had a big part it in.. i would say like 14 days or so if you only smoked the one time..
and i always think that a drug test from cvs is a good idea to pre=screen yourself before you have to give the ua that counts..
im not really a frequent user. id say once a week or less while i was smoking. But ive been running 2-3 miles a day drinking around a gallong of water a day. Let's see how it goes i guess ill just have to hope i pass.


Active Member
Damn man at least use a detox tea or something to drastically alter the results. Try to run a gallon of water through your sytstem as quickly as can be tolerated before your test. I'm asuming you'll know the approximate time and date. Don't take any chances!


Well-Known Member
The initial effects created by the THC in marijuana wear off after an hour or two, but the chemicals stay in your body for much longer. The terminal half-life of THC is from about 20 hours to 10 days, depending on the amount and potency of the marijuana used. This means that if you take one milligram of THC that has a half-life of 20 hours, you will still have 0.031 mg of THC in your body more than four days later. The longer the half-life, the longer the THC lingers in your body:joint:


Well-Known Member
i smoked alot of weed for bout two months straight and it took me two months to pass with a clean UA..


Active Member
my workout buddy is 5,10 180 pounds and can clean out in 2 days,he is on testing,drink alot of water and workout,the go get your own drugtest at longs and see if ur clean