Hi. I have a couple of questions. I'm new here so forgive me if I put this in the wrong section. Basically I am going to a career tech school to become a behavioral health tech. There will be 1-3 random drug tests prior to clinicals. I have been clean for about a month and a half. I'm 85 pounds, 19 years old, 4 foot 11, very active, and I eat pretty healthy. However, I love weed, like I'm sure we all do lol. I have a rare kidney condition called Nephrocalcinosis and it causes me a lot of pain. I use MJ daily for medicine & as a spiritual tool. I'm not much of a social toker. My question is after I take my first random drug test do you guys think it would be okay if I smoked that day (after the test)? Just smoke as much as I can all day and then stop till my next test? I really don't want to stop altogether. I at least want that day to enjoy smoking. My boyfriend and I really enjoy smoking together and he really misses smoking with me. I told him I would ask a few people online or something about what they thought. I think just smoking with him for a day and getting super blazed would mean a lot to him. Thanks so much for any advice you can give