Drug Tests in other states


Well-Known Member
So I am a MMJ patient in Colorado and am anticipating a job offer from a company in a state that does not allow medical marijuana. I know in the past when taking a drug test in the state I will get a call from a medical review officer who will ask if I am taking anything that would test me positive for THC. I tell them yes and send them a copy of my medical card and they report back to the company that I did not test positive for any "illegal" substances.

I am wondering about having to take the drug test. I know my card in CO is only good here in CO but if a Medical Review Officer calls me about my results. will they consider I am observing my current states law or only as my results apply to the laws in the state the job is in (but I don't live in)

Any thoughts on how this works.

I really want this job so I am going to stop medicating, which sucks because my RA acts up as it gets colder outside, but better safe than sorry.


bud bootlegger
nope, mmj is not an excuse for testing positive for mj in pretty much any other state than colorado that i know of..

pretty beat, but it is what it is, look into quick fix..


Well-Known Member
Ya, and sometimes is not even an excuse in our state! Sucks.

At this point I have opted to not smoke, and haven't since posting, as this opportunity is just to big. I would rather be sore and hurt than get an offer and miss out because of how I medicate.

Another example of how a MMJ user, a highly functioning and successful one at that, is left to make a choice between their personal rights and methods of medication or gainful employment.

Fucking ignorant and selfish law making assholes.