dry hidroponic nutes


hi ,im from spain
I,m growing hidroponic , hempys ,coco/perlite,nft and some kratky
i want to use dry nutes ,ive been reading a lot in the forum ,
i can,t buy any masterblend and jacks ,i don,t want boutique fertilizers
i can buy Yara products and haifa
my cuestion is
can i use fertigation nutes ?whatever i want because they are water soluble,or there is some restrictions like precipitations ,etc

i can have yara orange 6 12 36 ,can i use it ??
  • N6%
    • Nitrato N4.5%
  • P2O512%
  • K2O36%
  • MgO3%
  • SO320%
  • B0.025%
  • Cu0.01%
  • Fe0.07%
  • Mn0.04%
  • Mo0.004%
  • Zn0.025%
YaraTera KRISTALON ORANGE (6-12-36 + Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn) is a water soluble NPK fertiliser for liquid feeding and contains a full range of chelated micronutrients ideal for all fertigation systems.

The YaraTera KRISTALON range of fertilisers are fully water soluble NPK 'all in-one' fertilisers for liquid feeding which contain all the required nutrients together with a full range of chelated micronutrients and are ideal for all irrigation systems - drip, tape, sprinkler or pivot. All KRISTALON products dissolve quickly and without any residue. The many different formulas make it possible for a grower to choose the right product for almost every crop and every stage of growth. Contains a full range of chelated micronutrients ideal for all fertigation systems.

Suitable for flowers and bulbs and strongly K fixing soils. If required the N:K ratio can be adjusted using YaraTera CALCINIT

YaraTera CALCINIT and YaraTera KRISTALON ORANGE must always be dissolved in separate tanks and may only be mixed in a highly diluted form. Part of the CALCINIT can also be replaced by nitric acid. In this way the nutrient solution is adjusted to the quality of the water source. The amount of nitric acid naturally depends on the amount of bicarbonate present in the water.

Available in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
If it is not meant for hydroponics, it often contains complex nitrogen forms. Water soluble is not enough, it has to be for hydroponics
If it is not meant for hydroponics, it often contains complex nitrogen forms. Water soluble is not enough, it has to be for hydroponics

It will need to be used with calcium nitrate but it is hydroponic grade. Many cannabis specific nutrient companies purchase their ingredients from Yara, repackage them, slap a fancy label on a bottle, and sell it for 10xs more.

YaraTera KRISTALON is a growth stage based, fully water soluble NPK fertilizer solution for fertigation systems. The different grades are made of highest quality raw materials (hydroponic quality grade).

It will need to be used with calcium nitrate but it is hydroponic grade. Many cannabis specific nutrient companies purchase their ingredients from Yara, repackage them, slap a fancy label on a bottle, and sell it for 10xs more.

YaraTera KRISTALON is a growth stage based, fully water soluble NPK fertilizer solution for fertigation systems. The different grades are made of highest quality raw materials (hydroponic quality grade).

oh thanks , i couldn,t see that pdf in the spanish version ,all kristalon tera are suited for hidroponics (
YaraTera KRISTALON (19-6-6)
i don,t know if it is suited )

my problem now ,should i go for specific phase (veg ,roots ,flowering ) fertilizer ,or do i use the 6 -12 -32 only ? and try diferent formulas with calcinit

It will need to be used with calcium nitrate but it is hydroponic grade. Many cannabis specific nutrient companies purchase their ingredients from Yara, repackage them, slap a fancy label on a bottle, and sell it for 10xs more.

YaraTera KRISTALON is a growth stage based, fully water soluble NPK fertilizer solution for fertigation systems. The different grades are made of highest quality raw materials (hydroponic quality grade).

yes i have yara calcinit and i have a range of single elements never used the pre mixed yet
do you make your own fertilizer , because that is another option to do
yes i mix the salts separately. I have a premixed trace element mix. salts i use are calcium nitrate potassium nitrate magnesium nitrate magnesium sulfate, monopotassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and liquid ph- phophoric acid.
i don,t have any experience mixing,i,ve read something and i ,ve read some formulas using ,calcium nitrate , magnesium sulfate ,monopotassium phosphate ,nitrate potassium , and micros (yours have 3 more salts )
i don,t have any experience mixing,i,ve read something and i ,ve read some formulas using ,calcium nitrate , magnesium sulfate ,monopotassium phosphate ,nitrate potassium , and micros (yours have 3 more salts )
these are the basic ones that i got at first and i added more components to my mix as i gained experience
these are the basic ones that i got at first and i added more components to my mix as i gained experience
can you tell me some good place to look formulations an solutions ?
i use hydrobuddy only to look what can i do but i don,.t have any salts
If it is not meant for hydroponics, it often contains complex nitrogen forms. Water soluble is not enough, it has to be for hydroponics
Yara Kristalon (and also Peters for example) is also good for hydroponics.
I would not know why not.
But perhaps you can explain more.

Growers I know use it in DWC for example. With good results.
The start with A (Calcinit) and B (Yara Kristal Brown - some use the Orange) in the proportion 1:1 in the first week.
And they build this up to A:B in the proportion 1:1.5.
Some people add some extra P.
I think you will have to try it out in different proportions. Every strain can react a bit different.

I also heard, but I am not sure why this would be, that if you use Yara Orange, that you also have to add some Epsom salt. But some people do that with Brown as well. If you look at Jack's 321, then you also use Epsom salt. And the Jacks 5-12-26 (what is used in the trio pack for Jacks321) already has around double the amount of Epsom (MgO) compared to Yara Brown or Orange. Some growers also say that you don't need the Epsom in Jacks 321. Hahaha.
You just have to try it out a bit. Epsom salt is also dirt cheap.

Be careful with the mixing!

Big advantage is that it is so cheap.
If you are living in Spain, there for sure must be a place where you can buy it.
If not, you can buy it in Germany.

They will charge you around € 60 for delivery for a bag of Calcinit and a bag of Yara Brown.

So for around € 150 you will have 25 kilo Brown + 25 Kilo Calcinit + shipping to your door.

If you want to add the Epsom ("bittersalz") it will be more. But for sure you can buy that in Spain.
The south of Spain has plenty of greenhouses.
For sure there must be places there where you can buy Yara. But Epsom without a doubt.
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For Spanish growers:

all the raw salts, 25 kg epsom for 25€

Garden center that has Peters Professional, Universol pre mixed blends.