Dry sift room temperature


Well-Known Member
I bought some 115 micron steel screen. I've never done this before, I'm curious how important it is for the room to be cold? I'm doing about 75 grams of bud and kief (kept in the freezer). I read 55° is good, but that's not happening. I plan on running it through a finer screen later, but I want to figure the temp thing out before I make the frame for the first screen.
Optimum temperature is a good question. I've controlled the material temperature, but dry sieve at local indoor ambient, which in the summer is typically in the 60's to 80's, but has hotter spikes.

Harvest is typically in the late fall, so indoor temperatures is a pretty uniform 68F during waking hours.

Sticking the material in the freezer will make the stalks more brittle and easier to fracture.

Here is some general information that ya'll DIY dry sievers may find useful: https://graywolfslair.com/index.php/15-diy-equipment/15-21-how-to-make-diy-dry-sieving-frames
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