Drying advice 5 days of light.


I have to dry in my room. The garage is opened a lot during day and has cats, and all other rooms are filled. My closet is occupied with a clone room.

I have good temp/humidity though, and wire running across my room.

My question is, if I hang them for 5 days in my room with an incandescent bulb on in the room for aprox 5-6 hours a day. (A total of 25-30 hours of dim incandescent light), will it harm/convert the THC noticeably or severely?

Basically will drying over 5 days with the light on sometimes ruin it as long as I cure in the dark for 20-30 days.


bump anyone? How serious is a little incandescent light over first 5 days of drying?


Well-Known Member
you want to dry in a dark area with free flowing air, light will mess with your overall thc content. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
actually i knew people last year that just hung theres on fish lines in there trailor with there windows open, and they had some fire.


Well-Known Member
Easy solution= Dry in a box or something that is light proof and has some air flow and put in the room......


Well-Known Member
depending on how much your drying u could use a cardboard box with string run through it and ventilation cut on the sides. just cover it with a light black or dark cloth put a fan near one of the vent holes but not directly blowing on your bud. always works nice for me as long as u can keep temps moderate.


depending on how much your drying u could use a cardboard box with string run through it and ventilation cut on the sides. just cover it with a light black or dark cloth put a fan near one of the vent holes but not directly blowing on your bud. always works nice for me as long as u can keep temps moderate.
Yea thank you I'm going to do this. thanks kronics and jcdws.