Drying area question

Drying area is 75-81°f and 45-55% humidity. Tracked at different times over a few days and it's always been between these stats. Wondering if that's okay in anyone's experience, and would I need to dry or wet trim in order to keep things slow drying? Thanks mates


Well-Known Member
In those conditions, drying will be faster than ideal. Dry trim will help extend the drying time. At higher temps there is more loss of terpenes. Terpenes evaporate at relatively low temps, so you'll lose some aroma and flavor at those temps.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Dry trim, whole tree if possible and it's gonna dry real fucking quick. May want to look into cardboard box method with some frozen water bottles inside.
Dry trim, whole tree if possible and it's gonna dry real fucking quick. May want to look into cardboard box method with some frozen water bottles inside.
Like this? Lol. Constructed this, it will be very cold in there now. Will check it tomorrow and see if it's got a good humidity and temperature and then I'll chop it down to hang in there.


All this effort for one plant seems like a lot lol. Temp is 70°f and 50% humidity this morning which is still better than the closet. Trying to dry for 10-11 days total and keep it cool for best flavor/smell. I'm thinking a frozen gallon of water sitting in there will help the humidity and temperature, assuming I need many to keep a frozen/cold one in there at all times?

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
It does, but it is worth it. I dried the last two plants I had in my grow tent but could not get the temp below 73. Humidity was same 55-65% range but the warmer temp shortened my dry.
The one I harvested first and put in the box was much better. I used a frozen gallon jugs and a few smaller bottles and swapped them out a couple times a day. Was a hassle, but worth it.
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Box is modified with it's own ac route, ice box, and fan. Cut and hanged earlier. Humidity is consistent 50% and temp is 62-69 degrees over four hours and then the ice box is replaced to maintain that ratio. Plan to jar with 62% humidipaks in 10 days. (Or if things get dry sooner but I'm aiming for a slow go)
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