drying/curing a sample

if u just pick a nug off to test out is there a way to get it to cure more quickly?since the point is to test it to see if its harvest time or if it should grow a lil more.

newbie grow420

Active Member
well if you wrote this that means the scissors probably already hit the bud. I would say try drying the bud like u would when u harvest dark place with around 25% humidity(thats mine its dry here) it takes like 2 days for a small peice then jar it let it breath after a couple hours if it was dry on the outside first give it a couple days in that then try. I'm telling you it tastes like shit fresh. I took a bud let it dry 2 days then jared it for 2 then smoked it tasted like shit and wasn't very good. That was 1 half the other I waited another 4 days so like 8 days and the high was better and the flavor was too I just think if I gave it 2 weeks how nice it would of been

Illegal Smile

Don't test by trying a bud. Test for harvest by examining trichs under magnification. If you just want to try a bud, put it in the microwave on low power for several 10 second blasts until it is pretty dry.