Drying in loft question

Hi everyone. Just a question re firstly: how long do you on average dry your herb in the loft/attic etc. Ive just hung mine in there I normally leave it for about 3 weeks, just wonderin also whether the variation in time drying affects things like Cbd and thc etc? cheers all....8)


Well-Known Member
You should dry your herb until it's crispy on the outside and still a little guey in the centre.

The bud stems should still have a little flex to them.

It's hard for anyone to tell you exactly how long because it differs depending upon climate and location.

I hang dry mine for approx 9-14 days in whole stems.

Then into a jar with a boveda62 packet.

Burping every few days.

Time hanging depends on the RH and temp and density of buds.
